24. The wrong soldier

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Warning: mention of necrophilia.

"so this is where the magic happens huh?"

Victoria looks around the cold room , questioning the bodyguard , white body bags hang around her from meat hooks. All of them zipped up to the top , not a glance of the dead. She figures she might as well go out in self comedic contentment

"Hey , I'm talking to you , fat Santa"

The man turns around and regards her with a glare they are alone in the room , Victoria pouts in taunting portrayal , they manage to have a staring battle , witnessed by the used dead. She smiles breaking the eye contact . He scoffs and looks away , his eyes on the door.

"How many do you think he killed?"

No response.

"Beggars , retired soldiers , cocaine addicts-" she swings her feet in bored redress , her curious eyes land on a bag , its still and most importantly it's small , smaller than ones that hang around her "and children too , impressive!"

The man stiffens and looks back at her , she simply points her toes in the direction of the pre-mature broken innocence covered in plastic . His eyes widen , mouth falling agape and Victoria puts two and two together. Pushing the nauseating waves in her stomach down , she tries regaining her unaffected persona . She knows only rationality is going to get her out of this situation , using muscle power in this case will only result her being covered in the same white bag.

So she thinks.

Her eyes search for a potential weapon , a steel tray lay unused at the edge of a blood dripping table. It contains all kinds of scissors. She tries deducing any weak spots of the buff that stands with his back at her , that's when she spots it , a ring , a little rusted , the fat of his skin grown around the ring , suffocating the metal.

He's a father

-or at least she hopes.

She gulps , and tempts his fears further "oh , the dread , can you imagine?"

He adverts his gaze and focuses it on the door , waiting for Martha , "no"

"aw , you're no fun. Bet your children might as well be dead with boredom"

This catches his eyes , and he advances towards her. She smiles , knowing she hit the spot. Before she could utter another word , she is being hauled up by the six feet assassin. Her throat aches under his dry grip but her doesn't smile fails to loose its intensity. A surge of adrenaline courses through her veins.



She gasps through the minimal amount of air that reaches her "sliced , diced and high , isn't that how the president likes it? i thin-" He grips it harder and Victoria now truly struggles to breathe. Petty chokes come out in form of indistinguishable words.

"I said , Quiet!"

She manages to chuckle , "I-i...can help"

He is breathing heavily through his nostrils , he lets her go and she feels the burn of the ropes slap against her wrists again , knowing they're going to scar. She coughs dryly , her neck is now littered in scars of vocal coaxing , finally looking up she addresses him with shadow eyes and a grin.

"You know who I am , yes?"

He nods , unsure.

"then you should know what I'm capable of. I know you're in trouble , and working for a disgusting man like this , has got to be sickening . I promise you , a safe house out of Moscow, for you and your family. You will be protected by my network-if you...release little ol' me" She smiles sweetly at him.

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