4. Quiet, Princess.

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"please don't tell me she's dead"

"....maybe? i mean i didn't want to take my chances that's why i tied her up"

"ugghh you're cleaning this mess up"

"oh my god , relax! Ill get it done before Boss even notices , promise"

With eyes as heavy as rocks , Elizabeth opens them. The light blinding at first , a vague figure of two men . A dripping sound that is consistently ringing in her ear Suddenly her head feels gloomy and her body under goes a wave of limp soreness. Her hair is a mess a few blonde strands stick to the side of her forehead , she's to mind numbed to figure out it was blood. Gathering all the strength she had in her spine , she raises her head. Only to find that she was strapped to a wooden chair. Her red silk dress , thankfully stable except she felt a sharp pain in her neck.

Panic sets in

Looking around frantically she finds herself in a metallic chamber , with posh lighting. A boxing bag hangs in the corner of the room few gloves and straps thrown besides it , blood red. Quite literally.

What terrifies her further is watching the boxing bag drip out blood. She quavers violently pulling at the straps, she starts screaming and trashing around.

"Hey Hey , relax. It gets tighter as much as you pull on it"

A man , his Irish accent was the exceedingly prominent , broad shouldered and modestly shorter than her. Briskly cut hair and formal clothes that fit him a little loosely , only if observed carefully. He didn't seem like the type to be comfortable in them. Squatting down near her , he scratches his stubble and smiles. Pulling out the gun she had earlier strapped on to her thigh , he observes her bottom to top. Holding it up , he waves it in front of her.

"This doesn't belong to you. Why were you in Moscow? And why do you have this?"

She pays no mind to him and turns her torso still trying to undo the knot , jerking aggressively while her blonde hair falls on her face , practically blinding her most of the vision.

"Fuck , hold her"

The man orders the other one who he was previously bantering with. Elizabeth feels a muscular forearm around her neck. As she gasps for air , her eyes fills up with fury. Bowing her head , she pierces her teeth through the forearm. The man curses and backs away.

"huh , so the flower girl can fight"

That catches her attention "how do you know that?"

The Irish man presses the Barrel of the gun on her forehead , "Im the one asking questions here Mrs Hudson"

Scared of the cold metal of instant death placed on her forehead she exhales , "I got it from a Friend"

"This gun belongs to Victoria Smith. What have you done to her?"

Petrified , she gulps "She gave it to me"

The man behind her shifts , fingers still clasping the spot where "Why is she unreachable since the last four hours then?"

"she has?" Elizabeth asks , twisting her neck to meet the other guy's eyes.

The Irish man is amused , "Why would you care? "

Elizabeth sighs , knowing there is no way to get out of this situation without talking , "Because she's my....dearest and only friend "

The Man with the bitten forearm laughs boomingly , "David , this Blondie is either delusional or drunk on vodka"

"I know" , David chuckles , and clicks the safety lock.

She flinches , "Okay , okay . I'll give you anything you want , but i need you to give me some answer back too. Because look at me , how could someone like me even touch someone like Victoria ?"

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