He paused for a moment but I could see the seriousness on his face.

"Well, we did some tests and.. there were some drugs found in her body." He replied and my eyes widened and I gasped, freezing in my spot.



"But don't worry. We gave her some injections which should help her, but keep her completely away from alcohol, cigarettes and anything like that. Her body is getting weaker, so you need to take good care of her. I'll prescribe some medicines later." He told us and I nodded, still not able to digest the shocking news.

"For now, she'll be asleep for the day. You can go see her but don't disturb her." He told us and walked away.

"Is she taking drugs now?" David asked, anger and a hint of concern evident in his voice.

"No, I don't think so. She won't ever do that." I replied and thought. Would she? She said we shouldn't have trusted her, so did she really do it?

'No, she will never do such a thing. Even if she is cold, ruthless and brutal with her words as well as actions, she would never do this.' My subconscious scolded me, assuring me that she wasn't the type to do drugs.

"Why do you think so? She drinks, smokes, so isn't that a little obvious that she might take drugs, too?" He asked.

"Okay, enough now, you two. I'll inform father and Damien." Ryan scolded us and walked away.

I went towards the room to see her but stopped and turned around.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked David, who was looking back at me, his eyes filled with mixed emotions of hurt, anger, concern and much more.

He paused for a moment and then walked towards me.

"Fine." He sighed softly and we went inside.

There she was, on the bed, sleeping peacefully. Her face was pale, the brightness of her skin not visible, her hair was a little messy, and her lips dry.

We sat on two chairs on her both sides, silent for a while.

"Do you love her?" David asked me out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused with this sudden question.

"Do you love her? Do you trust her? Do you care about her?" He asked again and I sighed.

"Yes, I do. I didn't, before but now I do. I love her. She's my sister and yours, too." I replied and he looked at her.

"She's still the same Rose outside, but inside, she has changed, a lot. She's not the same shy and soft Rose as she was, all those years ago, but then again, we didn't love that sweet and shy Rose. We didn't love that soft Rose. We forced that Rose to change." He said and by the time he was done, I noticed tears in his eyes, causing me to tear up, too.

"Yeah." I replied in a whisper, not having enough words to describe how I felt about her changing.

"We were the wrong ones, weren't we?" I asked as a lone tear rolled down my face.

"I guess so." He replied as the years welled up in his eyes finally betrayed him, falling down his cheeks.

Ryan entered the room and came to sit with us. David quickly wiped his tears away and I did the same, but Ryan had already noticed it.

"They won't be able to come back. Atleast, not for a while." He said and I looked back at Rose.

Who did that to you?

I know for a fact that you didn't do it yourself, so I want to know who did that to you.


The day went by fine. None of us went to college and decided to stay by her side, in case she woke up because if she did, I'm sure she won't stay here for long and will leave, that, too on her own.

Right now, it was dinner time but none of us were in the mood of eating anything. We have been hungry since this morning, for all we cared, as our main concern right now was Rose. I don't know about the other two, but I was just hoping for her to wake up and tell me that she was fine.

Ryan just left to get some fresh air and David went to the restroom. So it was me here, sitting in the same place as before, looking at Rose and hoping she'd wake up anytime soon.

Rose's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked couple of times before finally being able to see the clear, white ceiling, making me wonder where I was.

I can't remember anything that happened to me. There wasn't any sound in the room, making me think I was alone. I felt something attached to the back of my right hand and slightly raised it to see a cannula inserted in it.

As I tried to sit up, I finally noticed Dylan by my side, who abruptly got up from his seat and helped me up.

"Careful. Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"What happened? I can't remember anything." I said, more like whispered as I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the killing headache.

"You passed out while looking through the cupboards this morning." He replied and I remember it now.

At the exact moment, David entered the room and was a little surprised to see me awake.

"So, you're finally awake." He said and sat on a chair beside me.

Soon, Ryan entered the room and he looked really surprised, a hint of happiness evident on his face.

"What? Seen a ghost?" I asked and he lowered his gaze, came towards us and took a seat.

They were all silent but I knew they wanted to say something.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point. The doctor said that they found some drugs in your body." Ryan said, breaking the silence.

I paused for a moment and then spoke up, almost expecting this.

"Yeah, I know." I replied and they were shocked, their eyes widened as they looked at me.

"So, you mean.. you take.." Dylan asked in disbelief and I cut him off.

"No, I don't." I replied, knowing that they would ask me this question.

"Then who did that?" David asked, sounding eager to hear my answer.

"You really want to know? You really want to believe me? Because the last time I thought you didn't and called me a liar." I said and they all hung their heads.

"I'm really sorry, for everything. For the way I treated you, for the things I ever said to you, for everything. Please, forgive me. I'm really very sorry. I love you. I care for you as you are my sister." Dylan said as his eyes welled up.

Tears. Where were these tears when I  was hurt in front of them? Where were they when I got bullied and they watched? Where were they when I lost everyone and they didn't care? Where were they when I was taken away and was hurt even more while they gave zero sh*ts? These tears won't help them now.

"Forget it and stop crying. It won't get you anywhere." I said and rested my head back, closing my eyes.

"Atleast, tell us who it was, please." He said, pleading me as his voice broke at the end.

"Your dear mother and her friend." I replied and they gasped.



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