my moment

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"We're alive!" Yells Alessa the moment her feet make contact with the wooden platform surrounding the ride.

Chuckling I respond, "Okay, now that we know we've made it through the ride, can we go on the ferris wheel."

"Yes!" She squeals, leading the way.

"Yah know for someone who doesn't like heights, you seem to be very excited about going on the ferris wheel." I mock, trudging after her.

"Yeah, but that's because ferris wheels are slow and I've never heard of anything going wrong on a ferris wheel." She clips, beaming at me.

Rather than refute her, I pick up my pace, my heart pounding in my feet.

"Plus, I need to have my moment." She adds.

"Your moment?"

"Yeah. You know, where we stop at the top of the ferris wheel and kiss, and fireworks, and sunshine!" She exclaims, giving me a pointed look.

"Oh really? And what if I don't want to kiss you." I mock, taking her hand.

"Hah," she yells, drawing the attention of everyone within a two foot radius. "Like you wouldn't want to kiss me."

I duck my head, attempting to hide the blush that devours my face.

"Earlier you were all scared of messing up, and now you're all 'large and in charge'. What's with the sudden change of heart?" I ask, half joking and half dead-serious.

"I'm not sure. I guess I realised that I wanted my first date to be something special, and being nervous would just ruin that." She reveals, eyes trained ahead.

I stop in my tracks. "Wait, is this like your first, first date?"

It's her turn now to try and hide her reddening face. "I mean, yeah, but like. I've never really had time to date, so. Yeah." She stutters, letting go of my hand, and walking up the ramp to the ferris wheel operator.

I hand the middle aged, disheveled ride operator our tickets, and he escorts us to an awaiting blue capsule. Alessa goes in first, settling on the right bench. I follow after, taking up residence on the left bench as the operator tells us about staying on our sides so the car doesn't shake, and keeping the door closed.

When he's finished, he locks us in and walks away to start the ride up again.

Alessa and I both remain relatively silent, her out of anticipation, and I, because of nerves. Until this moment my heart has never beat so fast. My palms go dry from the amount of times I've wiped them on my pants, and my hair turns sleek from running my fingers through it. This sensation is all so new to me, and while it freaks me out, it also excites me... This feeling of affirmation.

It's like we're back in grade school as the ride ticks towards the top, we both struggle to make eye contact with the other. What's more is that we've already kissed twice before, but something about tonight feels so official that either one of us is scared to do something wrong.

"Cameron?" Asks Alessa, looking up from under her eyelashes.

"Yes?" I respond, the words cutting out of my throat like a weathered bone.

She doesn't say anything. Instead, she gets up from her seat, swinging the balance of the car in my direction. I quickly stand to steady the car, making sure to follow each of her steps. We reach the support pole that connects the car to the wheel, and my head runs dry. Everybody plans for the perfect moment, but most times, it just isn't possible.

Trying to make this moment everything Alessa has ever dreamed of, I step to the side of the pole and cup her cheek in my right hand. She moves, as if on cue, in front of me, completely closing the distance between us.

A final wave of nerves scrape across my skin as I swallow the final hurdle of anticipation.

Then it hits me, that Earth shattering, moon battering, sensation. A sensation that is so familiar yet new. It's a feeling of cream comfort and golden passion, one orchestrated in novels and movies, but never honest. It's like touching down on Mars and finding life.

My hands move up to tangle in her hair, deepening the kiss. Her hands travel to my waist and cling onto the front of my shirt as if letting go will break the spell placed at our feet. My tongue pokes at her mouth, and with a moan, she opens, letting me explore every cell of her mouth.

As our tongues dance, my thoughts blur with hers -- transferring through our saliva.

I let out a frustrated groan at the sound of engines whirling and my stomach dropping, signaling our descent, both Alessa and I pulling apart to take our seats. 

We remain silent, revelling in the glory of the previous moment. After a few more stops, the ride picks up, making four rotations without stopping.

It isn't until my feet hit the ground again, with Alessa's hand in mine, that I understand the relief of certainty -- something I've been handed my entire life. And while I may not be certain that Alessa and I will never face hardships, I know that she is the one person seeing only me. She has no expectations or specific standards, she only wants me, and someone like that isn't just generated, they're created. Knowing all Alessa has gone through to get here is so true to who she is as a person, and by being that, she makes me feel comfortable being true to myself.

When we arrive at the car, hand-in-hand, I open Alessa's door and give her a quick kiss. I shut her door and skip around the front, settling into the driver's seat and feeling a gust of relief rack through my system. A glance in Alessa's direction shows she feels the same. And as I start the car and turn on the radio, one thought headlines all, "This is a new beginning."


Okay, so I know it's pretty late, but I had a really busy day
with working on assignment and just class in general.

Any whooooooooooooo,
Today's question is: What do you do to relax before you go to sleep?

I like to read... I know, basic, but I'm pretty tired tonight and that's just facts sooooooooooooo.

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