ice-cold bucket of remembrance

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**Reader discretion advised**


"Let us begin with the statement of the case, that on the fourth of November, two thousand and twenty one, the defendant, Maximilian James Roadmen, was charged with sexual assault in the first degree at the Harvey Cedars police department. The charge was filed by the victim, Brooklyn Day Hennings. Officers Delaney Thomas and Emilia Reed took the statement from the victim along with statements from the accompanying Harvey Cedars security workers that responded to a call made by Alessa Klein. Prosecution, you may bring forward your opening statement." Commands the judge.

The prosecutor is given the floor, first, to make their opening statement, promising to prove, "without a shadow of doubt," that Max, was indeed, at my room at the time of the "incident," assaulting me.

With a finishing thank you, the prosecution sits down, and it's time for the defendant to make their opening statement.

"Your honor. By the end of this trial I will prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that my client did not perform the acts proposed by the prosecution. I will call fourth character witnesses as well as the 'victim,'" he spits. "Herself. My client will also be taking the stand to plead his case."

He finishes, the clicking of his shoes booming through the courtroom as I sit in the hallway right outside.

"Max is taking the stand?" I question, eyeing Cameron's father.

Since I agreed to press legal charges against Max, Cameron and his family have been quite involved. With Absinthe as my lawyer and Cameron's father as my emotional support, things have been going pretty well. The only problem. My parents.

When I first told them about what was going on with Ale and Max, they warned me about the trouble Cameron would bring with him. Of course. Since the beginning of the year my parents have expressed their distaste for Cameron and his parents... I don't know why, but judging from their reaction to Cameron's father acting as my advisor in this case, I'll bet it has everything to do with his past.

While I truthfully don't know much about Cameron, I know enough to see that those headlines were the media twisting the story of a frustrated teen into a money making scheme. But. My parents aren't convinced.

"I'm just as surprised as you are Brooklyn. It seems like a dumb idea on his lawers behalf, but what do I know." Sighs Mr. Salvadore, flipping through the case file for the hundredth time.

"If you would have let us get your lawyer, ourselves, they would've known what was going on and why that boy is testifying." Spits my mother, pushing past me and into the courtroom. My father trails behind her like a loyal dog, tail tucked.

"It's time." Reminds Mr. Salvadore, moving past me to push open the door my parents just left through.

I let out a sigh before conceding, "Let's do this."

When I walk past the caramel colored wooden doors and into the courtroom, I come face to face with the man himself.

"Max." I spit, walking past him.

He replies with a head nod as I take my place up at the stand.

"Brooklyn Day Hennings, do you swear, that upon this stand, you will tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God?" Questions the judge, staring at the bible underneath my left hand.

"I do."

"As you were," he nods. "The prosecutor may come up to question their client."

"Thank you," replies Absinthe, turning her attention from the judge and onto me. "Ms. Hennings, I would first like to express my gratitude for your being here to share your story with us. With that, I ask that you inform the court of the events that transpired on the night of the second of November."

A large gush of saliva fills my mouth and seeps down my throat, bringing the final nerves with it. "I had just gotten back to my dorm, at about noon, when I noticed Max standing outside of Alessa's dorm—"

"Objection!" Yells the defendant, startling me into locking eyes with Max.

"On what grounds?" Questions the judge.

"I request the witness refer to the person in question by their full name."

"Motion accepted." Confirms the judge, looking at me to pass on the message.

I nod back and then continue, "I noticed Maxamilian standing outside of Alessa's dorm. After the things he blasted in the media, I knew he was up to no good, so I walked over to confront him... Before. Before I could say anything, though, he turned around and stalked at me with the most malicious gaze. I thought he was going to hit me, so I put my hands up in front of my face, but he moved past me and pushed my door open. I usually leave my room unlocked because you need a fob for the dorm to get into the building, but I have no idea how Maximilian got in, in the first place." I take a deep breath to regroup my thoughts before continuing, "Then he pulled me into my room. It all happened so fast, him locking the door, him pushing me onto my bed. I had no idea what was going on. Up until the last second I still believed he was just going to punch me, but... then... then he pulled down his pants."

Tears sting my eyes as the memory lights a fire in my heart, burning it to ashes.

"If... if I may, can I skip over the details of the assault?" I quiver, my words peddling out of me, barely above a whisper.

"You may." Returns the judge, a line of tears filing on the bottom rim of his eyes.

Coughing through my tears I finish, "He left about two hours later and I layed on my bed, unsure for the next four hours. Then Anthony showed up, Alessa returned to the dorm, heard Anthony and I fighting, and then called campus security."

Upon the approval of my lawyer, I get up from the stand and flee to the wooden doors that lead to the hallway. I don't look for Ale or Cam or at Max. All of their faces fade into the sea of media and half-listening audience members. Even the voice of the judge sinks into oblivion. And as the wooden doors close behind me, an ice-cold bucket of remembrance drowns me into unintelligible tears.



we're back

I know it's been a while,

but I really wanted to take my time to research the legal system surrounding sexual assault in New Jersey and how proceedings work. With that being said, if you notice anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that I got wrong, please let me know. My goal after getting these last few chapters out is to go back and revamp the whole story; adding more character development and maybe even some more insight into some side stories, but we'll see.

Anywho, did you guys like today's chapter?

I decided to write this chapter from Brooklyn's perspective as I felt it would be the most appropriate. (I might add more perspectives when I go back through the story, so lmk if yah like it).


that's not the question for today.

Today's question is:

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I'd probably eat sushi because there's lots of options for vegans, and I love sushi!

See ya'll on Wednesday!

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