Looks like it's on today

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Fuck do her lips feel good. I've gone back in for a second taste, and while the whole experience feels heavenly, I know that it's late from the subtle sting that is clouding my eyes in sleep.

At some point during our arctic melting makeout session I turned to straddle the lifeguard chair, bringing us closer together so that Alessa's body molds against mine. Eventually, Alessa's hands shift from the back of my neck and to my chest, lightly pushing against it to create some distance between us.

A mumbled smacking sound lingers as our lips disconnect and Alessa clears her throat. Alessa's cheeks light up at the realization that I'm actually there.

We both pause for a moment, unsure of how to transition into a goodbye conversation.

"Sorry." I begin, the flem pulling the words back into my throat like a spider web.

"Don't be. I get it." Alessa chuckles.

"Thank you. And I know this is literally the most random thing to bring up right now, but we should probably start heading home." I offer, my cheeks turning so red that I actually start sweating.

"You're fine, and yeah, I'm sure my brother and friends will begin to wonder where I am." Chuckles Alessa, hiding behind her hands.

I move to get off the lifeguard chair, reaching behind me to grab Alessa's hand and help her down as well. We both move towards the sand path that leads back to the street.

"Oh wait. Can I get your number?" I ask quickly, fumbling to take my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh yeah, sure. Here." Prompts Alessa, grabbing my phone out of my hand to type her number in. "Oh and I texted myself, so I'll have your number too."

"Great. I'll walk you home now." I suggest, taking my phone out of her hand and stuffing it back into my pocket.

We walk back in relative silence, with the occasional easy conversation. When we both stop in front of her house we share an awkward side hug, both slightly hesitant to escape the comfort of each other's presence. I choose to send her off with a peck on the forehead and a mumbled goodbye.

As I turn to walk back towards the beach and my house, the sting of Alessa's lips still lingers. And as I move to tuck myself into my bed in my family home, fantasies of tonight's doings spark in and out of my consciousness as I fall asleep.

The weekend skips by without a trip and although my parents weren't really home, I was able to escape from school life, even if just for a moment. Monday's classes zoom by, and, to be honest, I don't remember much of anything, the only thing that has persisted is the emotional heaven of Alessa and I's kiss. Hot.

It's now five o'clock, Monday evening, and we're helping the girls wash their boats. On Saturday, the girls had a scrimmage against
Surf City High and completely wiped the floor, finishing a whole thirty five seconds before their A boat. Because of the scrimmage, the girls team was tasked with re-rigging and washing their boats. We did not have a scrimmage because SCH doesn't have a large enough men's rowing program, so today we just had a normal practice.

"Cam, can you go get me a few more sponges from the bucket by the bay door?" Asks Alessa.

"Yeah sure. How many do you need?" I ask, chipper.

Alessa looks at the surrounding boats, each flipped upside down and on slings. "Probably just two more." She replies, motioning towards each boat.

The girls team has four fours, A boat, B boat, C boat, and novice. During the fall the novice boat practices with coach Middleton and the varsity girls, but during the spring, coach H usually works with them. For the guys, we only race in three fours, A boat, B boat, and C boat, while coach H coaches the boys novice eight. Us varsity guys practice with coach Mint, a quiet, fifty something year old man whose credentials are crazy, but never talked about. He's the best of the best.

"Do you know if anyone is missing any washers?" Comes Pete. I've been told I'm supposed to call him Hood, his last name, because there's another Pete in our B boat, but the nickname hasn't warmed up to me just yet.

"I don't think so. You can go ask Marilyn and Jack to see if they need any." I reply quickly, running to grab two more sponges out of the bucket by the bay door.

When I walk up to the bucket, Brooklyn and Anthony are standing close by, engaging in a hushed conversation. Brooklyn's stance throws me off for a second before I remember what Alessa told me about them being in an on and off again relationship. Looks like it's on today.

I quietly push past them and grab the sponges, and am about to head back to Alessa when I hear Brooklyn's voice call out to me.


"What's up?" I reply eagerly.

"What's going on between you and my girl Ale?" Interrogates Brooklyn.

Anthony gives me an annoyed glare from behind her, to which I reply with a snarky 'you're a hypocrite' smile.

"Not much, why?" I ask, my adrenaline wanting to pull me out of this discussion and back into cleaning.

"Oh no you don't. Ale came home too late on Friday night for there to be nothing going on." Brooklyn prods.

"Why don't you ask her?" I continue, slightly shy at the mention of Friday.

"She won't tell me anything! I tried getting all of the details out of her on the bus on Saturday, but she. will. not. talk." Whines Brooklyn.
"Then I guess she doesn't want you to know." I shrug.

Brooklyn hits me with a growling glare, to which I turn away from her and head back to Alessa.

"If Ale doesn't want you to know, then it's not my place to say anything." I call over my shoulder.

"Thank you." Greets Alessa as I hand her the sponges.

"And you know you're poking a bear right." Scoffs Alessa, motioning to Brooklyn.

"She could learn to lay off a bit, okay." I supply, grabbing the hose out of Alessa's hands.

"Now if you don't mind. I've got some boats to hose down." I mock, moving over to the first four.

Alessa chuckles in response, and I swear, the sound alone could be the solution to world peace. Damnit, why does she have to be... her.
Don't worry, I'm not here to talk about the Olympics (even though the USA really threw their races *cough cough*) anywaysssss. So I wanted to see how things were going, I hope you are liking the story so far. I also wanted to let you guys know that if you ever have any questions about any technical terms relating to rowing or even just the story in general, please feel free to leave a comment on the section and I will answer your questions. Other than that, have a great rest of your week, and I'll see yah again on Sunday!!!!! 😇

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