Until me meet again and full circle

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Ranboo rushed out the Church prime doors, swinging open the gate that separated them from the outside world going in the direction the coordinates on the paper stated.

He was going to find Tubbo no matter what.
'What do you mean Schlatts dying?' Wilbur asked as he trudged up the hill to the "Hot Dog Van" opening the door to see just like techno had stated Schlatt on the ground dying.

'Oh hhh eyyy guys' Schlatt slurred crashing the beer bottle that was in his hand onto the ground.

Wilbur looked at him sceptical before starting to speak 'Hey Schlatt, didn't think I'd see you her-'
But Before Wilbur could finish his sentence tommy and Tubbo came bursting through the doors well more Tommy then Tubbo he just got caught in the back fire 'DID SOMEBODY SAY THAT BITCH WAS DYING!'

Wilbur quickly looked over at Tommy with eyes made of pure stone making him immediately step back into the corner of the van.

Tubbo then grabbed onto his arm about to pull Tommy back out when Schlatt asked a question.

'Is this a birthday party?'

With the statement techno was sent into fists of monotone laughs and Wilbur now staring at Schlatt

'Of course it's not a party bitch, no one like you deserves anything of the sort' Wilbur's words were laced with venom as Schlatt just huffed on the ground.

'Man you gotta loosen u-'

Schlatt fell out of world.

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at what was just said in chat and back to the area where Schlatt was supposed to be.

'How the fuck-' Tommy muttered as he heard silent swears coming from Tubbo and then the whole room erupted into happy claps and yells Tommy following along as well.

'THAT WAS THE EASIEST WAY TO WIN BACK A COUNTRY EVER!' Jack manifold cheered jumping down from his spot on the roof going to hug Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo.

While those 4 were hugging though techno brought up the obvious 'that's physically impossible'

'And it was also pretty much physically impossible to drink as much a he did in day' Tubbo commented receiving a nod from techno.

After everyone calmed down wilbur took the stage (which was just the vans counter) starting to speak.

'Well' he looked around 'this was very much an unexpected acurance to happen in a middle of a war but' Wilbur smiled 'I'd like to announce..... WE HAVE FINALLY WON L'MANBURG BACK!'
Ranboo trekked up the wavy hills pushing past the long green grass that was getting in his way with the blade of the sword that Tommy had lended him.

Seeing as he was now on top of the hill ranboo looked to see how much farther he had left on the paper map he had been given.

North of the community house, through the plains, straight all the way to the top of the first hill you see, then the 3rd large hill will be your destination.

Ranboo huffed there was still 2 more hills to go after this and no house could be seen in sight though Tubbo is a simple guy so his house probably wasn't that big anyways.
Although Ranboo was slightly worried.

Who would Tubbo live out in hills when their friend lives in the plains?
'I would like to thank you all for choosing me as president.... again' Wilbur smiled as he stood at the podium looking among the crowd 'but I must decline'

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