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'RANBOO!' Tubbo yelled going into his and ranboos room.

'Yes' ranboo chuckled closing his book looking over at Tubbo.

'I just got elected as president for L'manburg!!'

'Wait what!! That's so good Tubbo!' Ranboo went up and engulfed his husband in a hug 'aren't you supposed to make a speech'

'Well yea...' Tubbo looked away 'can you pretty please come make it with me'

Ranboo chuckled bringing Tubbos face back over to his 'well I am your husband after all isn't it my job to help you'

'Yea I guess' Tubbo paused 'BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO!'

Ranboo just shook his head smiling putting his hands on his husbands shoulders 'I'd be delighted'

Tubbo smiled 'ok good' then he just started pulling ranboo out of the room with all his force.

'Here let me help you' ranboo started walking beside tubbo.

'Thank you'

Ranboo nodded 'what am I even supposed to say' he asked as they were approaching closer to the podium people in sight.

Tubbo looked at him before they walked out 'just stand there and look pretty'

'I can do that' ranboo posed 'I am a pretty good poser after all' they both chuckled.

'Alright let's do this' Tubbo walked out first speech in hand ranboo following close behind.

'Hello citizens of now what is to be called L'manburg' everyone cheered except for Dream and techno just rolling their eyes 'before I get started' Tubbo looked around 'wait where is Wilbur'

Tommy came up to him and whispered 'he left for some reason I'm sure he'll be back soon'

'Oh okay' Tubbo turned back to the crowd 'I am going to make this place as what it once was of peace and-' before Tubbo could say the rest they all heard booming in the background the podium falling beneath their feet.

All they could here was the ringing in their ears and the screaming of all the people running for their lives and the very faded out but demonic laughs of Dream and techno.

But the last thing they heard was the loud yelling of someone saying 'MY L'MANBURG PHIL MY L'MANBURG' before the whole world went black.
Tubbo woke up smoke surrounding them all and a lifeless looking but still breathing Tommy.
Tubbo ran up to tommy and started to shake him 'TOMMY! TOMMY!' Tubbo shook Tommy more violently this time.
Tommy slowly opened his eyes quickly hugging Tubbo 'Oh my gosh your alive thank church prime'

'I was more worried about you' Tubbo coughed out.

'Don't worry I take after techno' Tommy smiled sadly 'I never die'

Tubbo rolled his eyes 'we'll see about that' but then Tubbo stopped breathing for a moment 'where's ranboo'

Tommy looked around worry I'm his eyes he knew his best friend he loved ranboo so much as a friend maybe more than him but Tommy didn't want to think about that right now. 'I'm sure he somewhere here Tubbo don't worry'

'Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, RANBOO!' Tubbo called out tears pricking in his eyes as he looked over at Tommy 'what if he forgot where he was and he just wondered off somewhere' Tubbo paused 'what if he got killed' as the realization got out in and Tubbo fell to his knees and let a sickening scream.

Tommy instantly got on his knees as well grabbing onto Tubbo for dear life 'it's okay he's not dead he can't be you know how strong he is'

Tubbo didn't even answer he just held onto Tommy tighter crying into his shirt but Tommy didn't mind because tears were also coming out of his eyes.

What if he is dead
tommy thought he couldn't lose both of his friends in one day because he knew if ranboo was gone Tubbo was gone as well but Tommy didn't want to think of the bad side of the situation right now. Tubbo needed him so Tommy would be there.

The boys continued to cry together holding onto each other in the remains of L'manburg.
Ranboo woke up in a field, sunflowers surrounding him and the sun beaming straight into his eyes as it was mid day.
But the thing is he didn't know how he got here all ranboo remembered was him falling and then it all went black everything before and after that was fuzzy.
As Ranboo stood up a note fell off his chest and so he bent down to pick it up reading what it had to say.

Your house is (insert address).
Your in London and your name is Ranboo in case you forgot.
But there was no name signing the note he had just picked up though he swore he had seen that handwriting before in the past but it was like a distant memory as Ranboo tried to remember he fell to the ground in pain as almost of he tried to remember he would die.
Ranboo didn't want to take any chances so he stood back up and decided to head to the address on the note that is apparently supposed to be his home.

After a ten minute walk ranboo arrived at a small cottage with a stone path leading up to it and flower boxes at the front door.

Hmm I must have good taste Ranboo thought to himself as he walked up to the front door putting his hand on the handle and slowly opening the creaking door.
Inside was a plad couch a small 2 sitting table a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom straight in front of him.
Ranboo slowly stepped inside going straight to the door that he assumed was the bedroom once he got over to the door he slowly opened it the door creaking a bit at first just like the front door did.

Inside the bedroom was a queen bed and a black and white checkered patterned blanket.
Ranboo went to go sit on the bed immediately laying down as he felt the soft mattress against his body as he slowly drifted to sleep.

NEW BOOK! I think so!
My other book you guys loved to I decided to treat you guys well and write another! Lol!

Hope you all enjoy this as much as I will writing it!

Have a nice rest of your day!

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