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It had been a few months since Tommy and Tubbo had got there and to say they were doing well was an understatement they were doing great.

Tubbo was getting along with everyone really well, he built a house and got many pet bees.

Tommy was the same excluding the bees and one person he hadn't gotten along with well more perhaps who he hadn't talked to since the day they got their... Dream there was just, just something about him that made Tommy's bones shiver every time he walked passed him or flinch every time he walked in a room of course he learned to hide it over the months. But Tubbo still gave him strange looks every now and then when he flinched to hard or zoned out too long.

It was July 9th when it all started the pain the tears the heart breaks the death...
Tubbo, bad, Sapnap, him, Dream and George were supposed to go out for an adventure to find new people to add to the small civilization that they had created and to say the least he wasn't expecting what happened instead...

Tommy was lounging around on his sofa staring at the ceiling listening to music as he heard a knock on his door, Tommy looked around looking at his watch it only being 9:00 in the morning no one should be awake yet except Tubbo so that's who he thought was at the door. But oh was he so, so wrong.

Tommy stood up walking towards his door unlocking it but before he could open the door the person on the other side already had.

'Hey Tubbo what u- Dream?' Tommy's eyes widened standing back.

Dream chuckled 'surprised to see me?'

'Uh oh no it's just we aren't leaving for another' Tommy looked at his watch again '3 hours'

Dream rolled his eyes 'can't I say hello and chat for awhile before the big hike'

I'd prefer you not but I can't stop you. Tommy thought to himself moving out of the way so Dream could come in.

'Lovely abode you have here' Dream looked around pulling out a chair by Tommy's table sitting on it 'I should come here more often'

Tommy was about to yell no but stopped himself knowing that would just be adding fuel to fire that was in his home instead he just answered with a hum sitting on the couch instead.

'And you know what I've always admired' Dream laid back on the chair 'your music taste, so classical and fancy'

Tommy nodded migrating more towards his discs just in case 'I learned from the best'

Dream looked up 'and who may that be?'

'My brother'

'Ah yes I see' dream stood up 'following after big brother'

Tommy stared Dream right back in the eyes 'no not Necessarily there is some things I do that he wouldn't ever dare to do'

Dream sat beside Tommy 'Yes because your brother wouldn't do anything stupid, like maybe say going into a cave with your best friend and finding two of the rarest music discs to grace this earth'

Tommy shuddered 'I- I don't know what your talking about'

Dream chuckled his laugh getting more insane every time 'oh I think you do'

'I'm not even into discs anyways' Tommy lied turning off his record player.

Dream shook his head 'your SUCH a bad liar, it hasn't been years since you first came here it's just been months'

'And what's that have anything to do with discs' Tommy clenched his hands together making fists.

'You don't think I remember' dream chuckled again 'you holding onto two circular items for dear life as if anyone else touched them the world would end'

'Your just talking rubbish now, Dream leave'

Dream stood up looking straight into Tommy's eyes 'if that's what you need to say to yourself to help you sleep at night' and before you blink dream was gone.

Tommy sighed not fully relaxing as he had just had a most likely insane man in his house the first thing he needed to check were if his discs were still there. Opening up the lid of the record player expecting there to be two discs lining up ready to be played there were none.

Tommy froze the worst of his nightmares had come true Dream had stolen the discs.
————————————————————————For some reason the boys in that picture looked familiar but not like the familiar where you've seen people that look like them before, the familiar where you've been friends before, hung out before and had fights with.

Ranboo shook his head that was physically impossible in every photo that was there he was in none but what was even more strange is that the last boy in the picture, that was the only picture he was in unless you want to count photo after photo that had been burned on only one side as if to hide the memory of someone that they didn't want to remember.
Tommy followed Tubbo up and down his mansion hallways as Tubbo tore down picture after picture of him and ranboo finally stopping at one.

'That was our wedding day' Tubbo sighed his eyes glossing over with tears but he dare not let them fall.

Tommy stopped at tubbo and looked up as well 'I know, ranboo was sooo late' Tommy chuckled earning a glare from Tubbo 'but for good reasons of course he wanted to get you the best picked flowers'

Tubbo smiled 'he did I still remember clear as day him running down the ile with mud on his suit and grass in his hair, but in his hands were the prettiest flowers i had ever seen'

Tommy put a hand on Tubbos shoulder 'you know you don't have to get rid of all of them, you can keep this one up if you like'

Tubbo looked over to Tommy nodding calming starting to walk again.

And so that's what they did, the only picture left in that mansion was him and ranboo standing proudly with rings on their fingers and smiles as bright as the sun on a March afternoon.

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