Therios and letters

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'I have tnt' Tubbo sighed bringing out a stack of tnt, putting it on the table.

'Wow Tubbo never thought you were one for explosives'

'I'm not just had this in case anything happened'

Tommy laughed 'your prepared for anything'

'You have to be when your friend does stupid stuff all the time' Tubbo chuckled.

Tommy hit Tubbo on the arm 'HEY!'

'I'm just kidding'

Tommy rolled his eyes 'yea, yea whatever do you have anything else?'

'Um let me check' Tubbo ran over to his chest and started rummaging through until he started throwing things on the ground.

'What all this?' Tommy asked going over to the pile of random things.

Tubbo shrugged his shoulders closing the chest 'don't really know, some armour, potions, bows, axes and food probably'

Tommy chuckled 'awesome!' And started picking up random bits of armour 'this should be just enough stuff for both of us'

Tubbo widened his eyes 'JUST ENOUGH!'

'Like I said we're dealing with a manic here' Tommy gestured towards the community house slipping on a chest plate.

'True' Tubbo looked out his window 'should I start planting tnt?'

'Yep put it around the prime path and everywhere around here'

Tubbo nodded grabbing the tnt and leaving the house, tommy being left alone decided to grab a pen and paper I'll send a letter to my brother just asking if he wants to come here? Tommy asked himself nodding sitting down to start writing the letter.
'Ok so' Ranboo looked around the secret room talking to himself again after previous attempts to call himself down.

15 minutes ago

'Alright ranboo it's FINE! You know someone just kidnapped you 8 years ago but it's fine it's all fineeee' ranboo stared at the top of the ceiling trying to convince himself but he knew it wasn't working.

'Who kidnapped me though? Mafia? Nahhh, police? Don't think so, a friend? Why would a friend do that though?' Ranboo just shrugged to himself not knowing what he was supposed to do with his life.

Back to present time.

'So I just got to figure out who this Tubbo dude is and everything will be okay' ranboo said hesitantly to himself not really believing that.

'Eh what ever it's worth a try' ranboo stood up going out of the secret room and back into the library bunker 'now let's start digging' he smiled to himself grabbing a book off the shelf.
'GEORGEEEE' Sapnap yelled grabbing onto his shoulders.

'AHHH!' George instantly turned around slapping Sapnap across sending bad into a fit of laughs, Sapnap just staring at him.

'What the fuck dude'

George just looked away 'not my fault'

'NOT YOUR FAULT! How was slapping me not your fault'

'I-' but before George could say anything bad cut in.

'In his defence Sapnap you did scare him'

Sapnap eyes widened 'I did not scare him, I merely woke him up from his day dream world so he wouldn't fall off a cliff!'

George scoffed not believing Sapnap until he looked down seeing he was right at the edge of a cliff a deathly fall beneath him 'oh umm...' Sapnap just looked at George with a cocky look.

'Next time trust me huh?' Sapnap laughed pulling George away from the cliff.

'I'll try to sappitius napitus' George and bad laughed at that one Sapnap just giving them another cold look.

'Let's just go guys' Sapnap started walking off into the distance bad and George following.

After a few minutes of silence bad started talking.

'You know who we shouldn't trust'

George and Sapnap shook their heads 'who?'

'Dream' this made George turn around.

'WHAT! He's are friend! We should trust him'

'No, no I agree with bad he's been acting a little off lately'

'Exactly ever since those two kids came here'

Sapnap nodded George just scoffing 'whatever you guys you can keep your theories, but what would dream do to hurt us'

If only he knew....
Ranboo spent the next 3 hours flipping through pages and pages of books and photos just trying to remember what significance Tubbo was to him but he found none.

He sighed laying his head against the stone ground I'll go home tomorrow ranboo thought as his eyes closed his drowsiness consuming him.
Tommy set his quill down closing up the letter and putting it in his pocket as Tubbo walked back in the house.

'It's done it'll make for a big explosion'

Tommy smiled 'great! Now get your armour on'

Tubbos eyes widened 'wait we're fighting now!'

Tommy rolled his eyes as if this was a very obvious statement 'yes, the longer we wait the more time he has to prepare'

Tubbo just nodded going over to the pile of armour 'who were you writing to?'

'Uh no one'

Tubbo chuckled 'you think after all these years I can't tell when you lie, tell me'

'No one you need to worry about'

'You know thats going to make me worry more right' Tubbo frowned sitting at the table with Tommy now in full armour.

'Ugh fine family'

Tubbo stared at Tommy narrowly 'family seriously'

'I just wanted to see how they were doing you know make sure techno hasn't taken down another empire'

Tubbo smiled 'fair'

'You should write one as well see how your family's doing'

Tubbo sighed leaning back in his chair 'nah'

Tommy laughed 'nah? Since when do you not write to your family'

'Since I ran away from home and never told any of them'

Tommy cleared his throat 'Fair'

That statement sent the two boys in to a fit of laughs Tommy putting his hand on Tubbos shoulder for support 'now let's go get those discs back from bitch boy'

Tubbo widened his eyes at the name 'yes let's take down green blob'

Tommy just shook his head while the two headed outside together 'bitch boy is better'

'Whatever you say big man' Tubbo laughed as the two walked into the sunset for the fight ahead.

Sorry for the late update had to do some things but!! The chapter is out so I hope you all like it!

And hope you all have a nice rest of your day!

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