Disc War Part 2

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'TUBBO!' Tommy yelled hopping and running over rocks trying to catch up to his friend.

Tubbo chuckled stopping and turning around 'is it still following me?'

Breathing hard tommy looked at the compass 'yes'

'Good!' Tubbo smiled grabbing onto to Tommy's compass.

'What!?! How is that good we've been trying to reset these compasses for hours now'

Tubbo just snickered sitting down on a rock 'you'll see'

Tommy sighed sitting next to him seeing Tubbo grab a rock and start engraving a word onto one of the compasses. Interested he looked closer.


'Tommy? Why are you writing my name?'

Tubbo continued looking down 'like is said you'll see in a second'

So Tommy waited a second until Tubbo was done engraving the second one Tubbo handing it to him.

Tommy just looked at it confused Tubbo laughing 'the compasses follow each other right... so I thought I write my name on one to give to you and your name on one for me to keep so that we can always find each other no matter how far we are apart'

Tommy smiled looking up 'that's great let's hope that we won't need to use them anytime soon'

Tubbo nodded hoping the same thing as he hated being away from his friend....
Ranboo woke up still in the chair from last night stretching out his back sighing as he looked at the book that still lay on the table in front of him.

'It's probably useless now right' Ranboo thought out loud as he stood up from his chair going into the kitchen opening the fridge slightly immediately closing it when he he saw mold covering over almost everything there 'and everything in here is probably also useless now' ranboo sighed picking up a trash bag putting all the expired food in it.

Once that was done and to say it was painful would be a understatement ranboo took the bag outside putting it in the trash bin quickly running back in the house fast as the frosty morning air was freezing cold.

Gritting his teeth from the cold ranboo closed the door half way as he would need to go back out right away grabbing the book off the table heading outside closing the door going onto the path back to the library.
'Tommy are you sure?' Tubbo asked holding onto his bag tightly looking over at the horizon seeing the community house slightly through the hazy mist of the night.

Walking up behind Tubbo, Tommy put a hand on his shoulder startling him a bit but Tubbo relaxed when he realized it was only Tommy.

Tommy sighed 'I'm sure'

'Alright then but we'll go tomorrow right?'

Tommy chuckled 'Yes, but I have a surprise before we go to sleep'

'Oh um alright' Tommy smiled running off over to a cliff Tubbo realizing where he was going ran after him.

'Wait Tommy! I'm coming'

Tommy turned around for a split second 'I'm not going to jump tubs' before running off again sitting on the edge of the cliff.

After a couple minutes Tubbo arrived immediately sitting next to Tommy 'Why a cliff?'

Tommy shrugged 'nice view'

'I mean I guess the view down to the bottom of that pit is nice'

Tommy just shook his head 'look at the view Tubbo not what's underneath it, if you always look at the bad then the good will always seem minuscule until you look up a realize what you've been missing and by then it'll be too late to change'

Tubbo nodded looking up smiling slightly 'your right Tommy but it's never to late to change'

'I guess but maybe it's too late for that Dream guy'

'Eh maybe but who knows he could randomly become good, I mean we got the discs back so that shouldn't be problem'

'True, also speaking of discs' Tommy dragged a box over taking out an object setting it on the ground.

Tubbo just stared at the object 'what is that?'

'Oh um' Tommy scratched the back of his neck 'it's a thing Wilbur used back home to play music'

Tubbo nodded 'so does it play your discs'

'Yep!' Tommy smiled taking the discs out of his back pack 'I always played them when nobody was home'

'It's a shame you can't play them more though'

Tommy sighed 'yea, but that's why I'm playing them now'

Tubbos eyes widened 'what! Now! What if they hear us?!?'

Tommy just chuckled putting one disc on the turn table 'They won't here us from here' Tubbo looked at Tommy skeptical 'trust me Tubbo'

Tubbo sighed 'Fine'

'Great!' And with that tommy finished putting the disc on the record player laying his head down in the grass, Tubbo following.
'Take this as a moment of peace Tubbo who knows what lays ahead'

Tubbo just nodded putting his arms underneath his head 'let's have faith'

But unfortunately faith wouldn't get them far in the battle between a green man and his psychopath friends against two teenagers who only had each other for the time being.
Ranboo looked around looking for the path which was supposed to lead him to the library but he lost his way like he usually does finding himself in a more flowery area of the forest cold mist no where to be found resulting in a lot of bees.
Ranboo has always had a strange connection with bees for some reason they loved him and would buzz around his head for hours if he came anywhere near them which was the situation that he was in now a bee had landed on top of his hair, but off of instinct ranboo swatted at the bee immediately realizing what he had done ranboo started to run. Where? He didn't know just anywhere to get rid of the angry bee that was following him while Ranboo was running though he ran right into a tree slamming his head against it falling back.

'Ow that hurt' ranboo mumbled leaning against the tree to regain his balance a sharp pain suddenly running through his skull. To try and numb the pain ranboo held his head in his hands only making it worse now starting to hear voices and screams? Screams why screams? There was no one around him but he swore he heard screams and someone calling for him but he couldn't recognize the voice until it finally clicked after everything he had done it finally made sense.

The guy in the photos were Tubbo, the guy in his dreams and flashbacks were tubbo, Tubbo was his best friend, his husband.

He finally remembered......

HELLO! All!! I am so very very sorry for the wait of this chapter. Life gets in the way sometimes.

Anwayssssss hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful rest of your day.

P.S this isn't edited.... I'll edit later I promise

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