Walking and Bees

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After last nights affairs Ranboo went to bed waking up early the next morning heading back to the bomb shelter/ hidden library or whatever it was obviously whoever put those there didn't want anyone to find them
But let alone here Ranboo was strolling down a dirt pathway back to the place he found the books.

After ten long minutes he found himself back where he had found the books slipping into the door way closing it behind him.
Tommy walked up the grassy hills almost falling in a few holes but saving himself before he did because he really wanted to try to keep his promise to Tubbo and not die. Tommy laughed at a joke he made inside his head, he was never really a fan of silence ever since he was young he had been the one to light up a room with jokes.

Tubbo however was the exact opposite always quiet except when he was around tommy then he was always loud and bright. Tommy would like to think he made Tubbo more social but at the end of the day Tubbo to him will always be the sweet boy he met on the staircase of the school.

As he was thinking Tommy stumbled into a wall at least that's what he thought when he looked up he was met with a mountain with a hollow inside just then inspiration hit him!

I'll make a home inside this mountain! Tommy thought writing down the coordinates of the mountain in his notebook heading back down the hill stopping at a flat piece of land.

Tubbo can build his house here Tommy nodded at the thought heading back into the direction of the "Community House".
'And then Tommy slayed the zombie with the rest of the strength he had' Tubbo smiled walking along a dirt pathway with George.

George laughed 'that's an interesting story' he paused 'but how come you guys know how to fight so young?'

Tubbo shrugged 'it's just what our family's taught us well Tommy's family'

George nodded 'who is Tommy's family?'

Tubbo stopped in his tracks 'Uh um, I can't tell you that its really not my place'

George understood seeing that the kid was visibly uncomfortable with the question he had asked, but just then he found a solution 'hey Tubbo look' George pointed towards a bee hive Tubbo immediately running over to it. 'Be ca-' but before he could finish Tubbo was already holding the bee in his hands petting it.

'Oh my gosh this is amazing' Tubbo smiled running back over to George with the bee still in his hand.

'I- uh yea' George was still astonished that the boy was holding the bee.

'Can I take it back with us' Tubbo looked up at George with pleading eyes.

George sighed 'yea I guess just don't bring the bee by Sapnap or he'll flip'

'Why? I thought that Sapnap dude was like strong and burns everything to a crisp'

'That's what you think but those things are just a ploy to get you away from the real him, he's actually very afraid of bees and hatessss pets'

Tubbo widened his eyes 'he hates pets'


'Well that guy is weird'

George chuckled 'how so?'

'Well first of all' Tubbo listed off things that made Sapnap weird 'I mean who even comes up with a name like that'

'Those are all very good reasons, would you like me to tell you how we came up with all the nicknames of our friends?'

Tubbo smiled in joy 'yes please!'
Ranboo looked around the bunker once again sweeping away any cob webs with his hands.
He had brought a notebook with him this time to write down anything he had seen that were weird or unormal.

Memories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora