The Disc War Part 1

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Ranboo woke up a few hours later sitting up his mind spinning.

'Argh' ranboo put a hand in his head to steady himself What had happened last night ranboo had no idea just you know his shit memory back stabbing him again at this rate he would find out who and what that Tubbo guy meant to him.... Never.

He sighed standing up and going through the metal door walking down the path way back to his house that he had made the second time he had come there.
'We're here' Tommy sighed looking at the community house armour weighing him down a bit.

'Yep' Tubbo smiled forcefully his voice shaky Tommy put a hand on Tubbos shoulder.

'We can do this' Tommy looked up more 'think if it as an adventure you do it and then you come back as if nothing has changed'

Tubbo nodded 'I can do that'

'Good' Tommy smiled 'let's go in'

The two stepped onto the oak bridge in front of them drawing their swords out of their holders but before they could get any closer someone appeared in front of them.

The man in front of them chuckled a sicking chuckle that went deep down into their bones which both of them hoped they would never have to hear again.

But what they didn't know was they would get so used to the bone chilling laugh, it would only sound like the wind chiming in their ears.

'Dream' Tommy growled holding his sword tight.

'Oh you know it's me?' Dream laughed again holding a crossbow at his side.

'A stupid mask can't hide everything'

'Oh, oh but it can' Dream smirked from inside but outside it was nothing more than a move if the mask.

'You know what we're here for' Tubbo spoke up this time sword tip facing the ground.

'Or do I? You kids want to so mu-'

'Piss off the punch line and get straight to the joke will ya'

Dream was startled by that kind of reaction but recuperated quickly 'ah no fair, I had a whole speech for you guys' Dream reached into his satchel 'I was going to play these while I did so such a shame we'll have to cut our meeting short'

Tubbo stared Dream right in the eyes or the black pupils on the front of the mask 'such a shame indeed, if you give us the discs the meeting will be even shorter'

'Ah but you see' Dream laughed starting to spin the discs around on his fingers 'I can't really do that'

'Why not?' Tommy now asked starting to step closer iron chest plate glistening in the almost set sun.

'Because that would be no fun, fighting for it would be better'

'But why fight if the discs are no use to you anyways' Tubbo stood his ground still staring directly into Dreams eyes.

'Trying knowledge on me' dream scoffed 'I failed English every grade don't think words are going to hurt me'

'Ah but you see' Tommy ran up to Dream holding him in a choking hold sword against his neck 'a sliver blade could do just the trick to shut you up'

'It could' dream pondered for a moment 'but a arrow to the head can do just the same'

Dream pushed Tommy to the ground a foot placed against his neck arrow pointed straight at his head.

Tubbos eyes widened about to run up but Tommy stopped him mouthing it'll be fine.

And to say Tubbo believed that would only be half the truth because he knew Tommy was a strong fighter but one slip up and he would be dead most likely him following as well.
Ranboo got home opening his door and sitting down at his kitchen table.

When was the last time I ate? Ranboo asked himself laying his head on the table probably not in awhile.... I'm to tired for food though? But I don't want to starve to death he sighed sitting up and going to his fridge to see what there was.

Meat, no
Milk , nah
Sandwich? Sure ranboo shrugged his shoulders taking out the sandwich from the fridge and sitting back at the table unwrapping it from the plastic taking a bite.

Stale ranboo thought as he set the sandwich back down what else could he do instead of eating a stale sandwich? Remember?

Ranboo chuckled out loud eating a stale sandwich would be easier.
Dream looked at Tubbo pushing his foot harder against Tommy's neck tommy letting out a hissing sound.

'Now' Dream spun his sword around his other hand 'are you going to let me have the discs or' Dream made a harsh movement removing his foot from Tommy's throat and placing the iron blade against his neck instead 'let your friend die'

Tubbo stood on the other end of the bridge by the front door motion less 'neither'

Dream turned around fully letting his grip on Tommy loose a little 'neither, what is there a third option that I don't know about?'

'Actually yes there is, if you hadn't failed English you would know'

'So what is this third option'

'RUN' Tubbo yelled the loudest he could bolting towards the community house door and with the looser grip on his neck Tommy bolted up as well following Tubbo into the community house.

'Stupid children' Dream hissed as he ran into the community house after them.

'Grab that sword' Tubbo yelled a random satchel now on his back.

Tommy nodded grabbing the sword and the two running out of the house through the back door up the mountain full valley.

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