Traveling and New arrival

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George smiled as he walked across the prime path with Wilbur eventually asking a question.

'How do you know Tommy?'

Wilbur stopped in his tracks for a few seconds before continuing across the wood path 'He's um, my brother'

George nodded 'he's a nice kid'

Wilbur laughed at that 'you guys think he's a nice kid, he's actually just a gremlin child'

'Isn't that what all brothers think about their siblings?'

Wilbur's nodded his head 'I suppose'

They continued to walk in silence for a bit before George started to talk again.

'Is that other kid he came with also your brother'

Wilbur chuckled 'oh no that's just Tommy's friend he should've told you th-'

'He did I just wanted to make sure'

Wilbur sighed 'Alright good' and then he looked up his eyes meeting a hole in a mountain 'is this his house?'

George nodded 'Yep'

'I- alright thank you'

'Okay so I'll leave you be but if you need anything give us a call'

'How am I su-' and before Wilbur could finish george put a communicator in his hand and trudged off leaving just Wilbur and his bag alone.

Once he could see that George was finally gone Wilbur walked up to Tommy's house pulling the door open, looking inside.

'This is actually nice, I'm surprised' Wilbur smiled eyes looking around the room stepping inside 'you even have a record player I raised you right' Wilbur smiled sitting down on Tommys couch pulling out his old communicator searching through the contacts until he found the one he was looking for:

Gremlin Child

Tommy where are you?
Ranboo looked around his surroundings it had just hit dawn and he was ready to start travelling again but before he did he pulled out notebook from his back pocket.

Entry 1

First day travelling, so far it's going good I have approximately 5 more days of travelling left since I just started.

Hoping to see my beloved Tubbo soon.


Ranboo put the book back in his pocket and smiled and he trudged off in the way of L'manburg.
'Tubbo do you think they'll ever notice us?' Tommy asked while sitting with Tubbo on top of the community house.

'If you keep talking then yea' Tubbo whispered nervously looking around his shoulder every now and then.

Tommy chuckled 'stop being so timid there not going to find us-' just then Tommy's communicator dinged both their eyes shooting to the device tommy pulling it out 'speaking of timid guess who just messaged me'

'I- I don't know the cops'

Tommy just looked at Tubbo dumbfounded 'No, Wilbur'

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