Chapter 13: Hazbin Hotel

Start from the beginning

Breaker: You really don't learn do you, sometimes it's better to shut up than run your mouth! Besides, I promised Viper I wouldn't bust your caps since we need you for that secret job. You make an ass of yourself in front of you know who, then I shatter your kneecaps.

Tai: Really? When have I ever in the past few weeks have I been an ass?

Breaker: Let me get the list, every time you open your mouth, every time you do something, every time you suggest something, should I go on?

Tai: Oh come on how long could the list be?

Breaker then showed the list and saw it was pretty small until it opened which stretched out the whole room.

Tai: Wow... Hey! I thought you liked that trip when we went to Carnival in Rio?

Tai said pointing out on the list of this he has done.

Breaker: I did, just because I enjoy something doesn't mean you aren't making an ass of yourself.

Viper: Yeah your kneecaps are screwed.

Tai: How was making an ass of myself when I suggested Rio as a vacation spot?

Viper then places his combat knife near Tai's throat as he gives him a serious look.

Viper: What part of learning to shut up do you not understand? Do you know how many people die down here because they don't know how to stop running their mouths?

Tai: Let me see about-

Viper smacks him with one of the Orochi snakeheads to shut him up.

Viper: And if I were your enemy, you'd be dead. This is what I'm talking about, learn to shut up.

Tai: I only talk with you guys? You are my friends. I never once talked to the targets I killed?

Viper and Breaker were quiet for a bit as he did have a point there but still continued to integrate him.

Breaker: Yeah, we're your friends now, if you piss us off, who's to say we won't off you on the spot?

Viper: If you upset our person of interest, I'm obligated to kill you.

Tai: Really? You think when I run my mouth with you guys I would do it on the job?!

Tai was angry when Viper and Breaker looked at him.

Tai: I been killing for a while before I met you Viper as well as your sister. I have done my job with effectiveness! I have partnered up with you and you saw what I am capable of yet you don't trust me when it comes to this?

Breaker: So? Hate to break it to ya Tai, you don't hold a candle to Dejango, the man could shoot someone through the eye from two hundred yards out with a revolver.

Viper: Plus you're not exactly stealthy, I could do most of the jobs on my own without anyone even knowing I was there. Plus there's one detail you're forgetting.

Viper & Breaker: You always talk when one of us is on the job with you.

Tai was silent and then the chains came off and he descended to the ground and landed on his feet.

Tai: Really, just because I fucking talk. Fine, then you don't want me to talk I won't talk.

Tai then just leaves the room and went up the elevator leaving the brother-sister duo alone.

Viper: Well it looks like we finally broke him. Honestly, he doesn't get how Hell works, he's down here because he deserves to be, we all are.

Breaker: I was born here, it's all I've ever known. You don't think Pussy Cat will blab to the others about our little mission do you?

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