S3:C20; Criminal's Mind

Start from the beginning

"You don't think you do the same? Seriously speaking?"

"No. I got plenty of attention from my mom. I was her favorite. Of course I didn't experience any neglect from her," I scoffed.

"No, Cooper. That was your sister that loved and favored you," Bryan said. "Your mother didn't pay you any mind. The only time she showed you any affection was when you were young or injured..."

I didn't remember that. I didn't want to.

"Cooper, why did you kill your sister? Do you remember?"

"I told you there was no reason. We were arguing over cookies or whatever, and I—"

"It was sushi, Cooper," Bryan snapped abruptly. "And I didn't ask you how. I asked why."

"I told you no reason."

"That's not true. Why did you kill your little sister?"

"...She was annoying."

"How was Piper annoying?"

I shrugged although I knew Bryan couldn't see me. "She was too bubbly all the time. No matter what, she was always happy—even when I was rude to her..."

"Like how?"

"With the sushi thing... I took pieces off her plate. I did it to make her upset...but she just let me take it. She didn't ask me to give any back, and I got frustrated. She was being stupid. She was smaller than me but I was taking her food and she looked happier every time I took more... I wanted her to get mad at me. She never was and I always wondered what she would look like, how she would sound, and what she would do when she was angry. So, I shoved a piece of sushi in her face. She was only shocked at first, not angry, so I did it again. Before I knew it, she was choking, and then she was dead."

Professor Davis was silent; only the slow stroking sounds against his beard made noise from his side of the call. I sighed as I played with the telephone cord, coiling and stretching it around my fingers.

"Because she wasn't your mother," Bryan began, "you couldn't accept your her love, care, and affection... You killed her because you were furious at the fact that she was a better mother to you than your actual one... And you hoped that after your mom found your sweet little sister dead, she'd take on Piper's role that was constantly admiring, loving, and taking care of you..."

"...Hahaha! Uh... What do you want me to say, Bryan," I chuckled. "You want me to— 'Oh, oh, yes! You're so right! Right on the nose with that one! Oh, wow, you're truly a genius!'? Haha! Bryan, she was just being annoying. We were kids and—"

"Piper was a kid, Cooper. You were her big brother—you were thirteen when you killed her."

"Well, that's an unreliable statement. Nobody remembers when that happened."

"Just because you're too heartless to remember your sisters death does not mean that nobody else remembers it or what happened. I remember, and I won't ever forget it."

"Yeah, okay," I tittered. "If you think I killed Piper because I hated how motherly she was, then why do you think I got with Erin? Erin was practically identical to my mom and acted like a mother, so why did I get with her? Why didn't I kill her? Can you figure that one out?"

"She was exactly what you wanted. A face identical to your mom's and the characteristics of a real, good mother. She nagged at you, yelled at you, scolded you, and loved you. Everything she said and did with you was always out of love, and although she meant it to be romantic, you were so unfamiliar to affection after Piper being dead for so long and your mother shunning you further out of her life as she grieved, you took all of Erin's love and thought it was motherly. And because you'd grown to love your fantasy mother, you struggled when it came time to break things off or recognize the bad in your relationship with Erin. You couldn't let go of this dream-version of your mom even though Erin annoyed you endlessly because she was your real-life fantasy."

I frowned up as I thought about how right he was about Erin. "Explain Cameron... Why do you think I love him so much?"

"Because he's everything you need. He's smart, he's caring, he's honest, he's nice, and he gets upset with you. He has some motherly characteristics that you need, but not enough features to remind you of your own real mom. He's his own person, with his own thoughts, and his own personality that don't revolve around pleasing you. He's not your neglectful mom, he's not your affectionate sister, and he's not your clingy fantasy-mom-girlfriend. He's different from anyone you've ever met. You feel complete with him because he shows you every emotion freely. And although you desperately crave a loving mother, you are already used to your mom's neglect and anger so,  just like someone would go about quitting a drug, you decided to ease yourself away from Erin who showered you in motherly affection in order to happily accept Cameron's less intense doses of kindness and care."

"Huh..." I muttered, my cheeks burning as I reminisced about every smile, frown, and pout Cameron had shown me. He was the most beautiful, the most emotional, and the absolute most perfect human I'd ever met in my entire life.

I began wondering why I was in prison, and why Cameron was so angry with me. I'd told him that I needed him and loved him, I thought he'd be happy with my confession since he'd never had someone love him before... That entire month that I'd had him to myself, I made sure he knew I loved him and that everything I did was to show how much I did...but he always seemed so angry and sad.

"Why'd he try to break me away from Erin and make me single if he didn't really want to be with me...? I mean, I made sure that we only had each other. Erin ran away... I thought he'd be happy but he acted like he hated me the whole time. I mean, he kept trying to get me to bring Giorgi over and he kept asking about him... Why would he do that stuff if he wanted me to break up with Erin?"

"You were abusing him. It doesn't matter how long he was isolated from society or how much affection he was refused in his past. An idiot wouldn't want to stick around someone who strangles them for falling out of a bed, Cooper."

I rolled my eyes at the memory of the few times I'd choked Cameron for trying to leave me. He said that it was an accident each time he had gotten out of bed but I didn't believe him.

"Whatever. Tell him I said hi next time you see him and that I'll see him soon," I said, preparing to end the phone call. Just as I pulled the phone away from my ear Bryan had asked me my release date. A wide grin spread my lips and my cheeks warmed as I imagined Cameron's beautiful eyes meeting mine—wide and bewildered upon my meeting him again.




I hope you enjoyedddd!!!

This was Cooper's POV, by the way, if you didn't catch on by the title or...the entire chapter...

Lol thanks for reading!
Catch you in the next one!❤️

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