Chapter 30 - Toughen Up

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"Definitely not. Sumimasen!" Ariel bowed again, almost to the brink of tears. "I'll return to work right away."

"Good. Remember, keep your head up high and carry our name with pride no matter what," Mr Fujita ended the call.

He leaned back against his chair with his hands resting on his stomach and looked at Hiroshi, whose head hung low. Suddenly, his solemn expression broke into a laugh.

Hiroshi lifted up his head, surprised by his father's reaction.

"Hiroshi, you like her, huh?" Mr Fujita beamed.

"Yes, very much," Hiroshi's face reddened.

"I like her too. She's a great catch."

"Really?" Hiroshi's face brightened at his father's approval.

"Does she like you?"

"I don't think so.."

"Then why did you both kissed?" Mr Fujita was intrigued.

"Like I said, I was the one who kissed her by surprise. She did not ask for it."

"Well, does it matter? If you want to pursue her, go ahead. I'm pretty supportive of it."

Hiroshi was taken aback. His previous girlfriends never got a nod of approval from his father. However, it seemed that Mr Fujita did not mind the news reporting on his and Ariel's supposed kiss.

"That's good to know," smiled Hiroshi. "But even then, you know it's not her fault. You didn't need to be hard on her."

"Hard?" Mr Fujita frowned. "I think I'm fair. She knew what to expect." He took a pen and began signing some documents.

"But it's not easy for Ariel to be in the media spotlight every day, even on her off-days."

"I know you care for her, Hiroshi. But business is business. She's our spokeswoman. Issuing every media statement to address every little thing she does is time-consuming. Besides, she needs to learn to toughen up and not take the media personally. She needs to get used to it. Just like you had to get used to it when I first became famous."

Hiroshi felt triggered inside, "Did you really think I liked it then? Even now?"

Mr Fujita put down his pen and faced his son, "If I did not work hard and bring Fujita Corporation to where it is today, you won't be where you are now."

"It's not about money, Otousan," Hiroshi swiped his hand across, "It was fame that I did not handle well. Yes, you sent me and my sister to the best schools, the best life, the best opportunities that more than half the world can never afford. But you worked very long hours. When I was 16 and お母さん (Okaasan ie. mother) passed away, I remembered how big the news was of her death in Japan that you wouldn't allow me and Hiromi to cry for our mother in public except in private, for fear that we would show ourselves 'weak' before the world. You were harder on me than on Hiromi, because I'm your firstborn son. And because Okaasan's death affected Hiromi more than it did me, I obeyed and followed your demands on how I should act and behave, and tried to live up to your expectations. You berated me when I failed at times, even though my actions were not newsworthy. I did all that you asked me to. But have you any idea what that burden feels, to carry perfection on your shoulders all the time?!" Hiroshi gave an almost retort as emotions welled within him.

"It's to uphold the honour of our Fujita name. Don't forget, you're the next CEO on this seat!" Mr Fujita got crossed. Hiroshi averted his eyes from him.

"Don't be fooled thinking that earning lots of money is all I care about," Mr Fujita gave a deep sigh, reverting back into his calm demeanor. "I did what I could to raise you and your sister. Your mother wanted me to-" He choked at the remembrance of his wife's last words. He held up a picture of his beautiful late wife smiling in her kimono and stared at it. "She wanted me to promise that I'll always protect and care for you both no matter what, and perhaps I overdid that by spoiling both of you. It's not easy as a single parent. I still regret for not spending enough time with you and Hiromi when you both were young, cos' I was too busy focusing on giving all of you the good, abundant life that I never had growing up. Now, having you work with me by my side is kind of my way of compensating for that time lost. But of course, you're an adult now and free to live your own life. So is Hiromi, although nothing I say to her now can crack through her stubborn head. Unlike you, she's too spoilt and shows no interest in taking over Fujita Corporation, except to oversee its cosmetics line. You and Hiromi are the only ones I have of what's left of your mother."

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