"Woah... How big do you think the tent actually is?" Dave asked.

Luna shrugged.

"I dunno... Pretty big, I'm sure." Luna replied.

The two of them went to go inside and Jevil and Marx walked up beside them.

"Hey, we're here to take you on that tour Mr.E promised you, kids, this morning," Marx said, rolling up to them on a beach ball.

"But I thought he said that he was going to personally see us around?" Luna questioned.

"Oh, he will, will! He just needs to get some work done first, first!" Jevil exclaimed.

Dave and Luna glanced at each other before following Jevil and Marx off to the side.


Luigi, Daisy, Mario, and the rest gawked as they stepped inside the tent.

"Wow, this place looks WAY bigger when it's empty!" Mimi exclaimed.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they trailed behind Dimentio. Dimentio made vague gestures off to some props sitting off to the side.

"If you all believe you could crack my tricks, feel free to poke around the props. Just avoid any sharp objects, those would most likely be Jevil's, ah ha ha." Dimentio chuckled, "But Luigi if you could follow me..."

Everyone except Mario fell behind as Luigi continued to follow Dimentio. Dimentio paused.

"JUST Luigi, if you please," Dimentio said.

Mario scoffed and walked back over to everyone else. Dimentio continued forward again and Luigi followed.

"So..... What are you going to have me singing..?" Luigi warily asked.

Dimentio sighed.

"Not you. Mr.L. HE is to be the one singing." Dimentio stated,

"Right, right, sorry..." Luigi apologized, "What is the music HE will be singing?"

Dimentio hummed to himself as he walked over towards a piano that was set up.

"I would prefer to be talking to Mr.L, but here," Dimentio said, pulling out a few sheets of music from the piano bench.

Luigi took the papers and glanced them over.

"I'm sure you'll find the notes right in your range..." Dimentio chuckled.

Luigi came to a realization and quickly glanced around.

"Wait, where's Luna and Dave?" Luigi asked.

Luigi ran out back towards Daisy and Dimentio followed him, a smirk forming on his face. Luigi ran up to Daisy and took her by the shoulders.

"Daisy! H-have you seen Dave and Luna?!" Luigi asked.

Daisy glanced around and then warily shook her head.

"They were just behind us! They never run off!" Daisy exclaimed.

Dimentio walked off at a brisk pace as Luigi quickly asked around.

"Well, if they're not with anyone here, where could they be?!" Luigi frantically exclaimed, his voice slipping into a different tone.

Nastasia looked around for a moment.

"Wasn't there two other jesters?" Nastasia questioned.

"I knew there was something wrong with them!" Mario immediately accused.

"Maybe ask Mr.E if he's seen them?" Timpani suggested.

Luigi gasped and quickly ran off in the direction Dimentio went. He pulled back the curtain and saw a only mirror. Daisy walked up to Luigi and brought her voice to a whisper.

One Last Chance (Dimentio X Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now