Chapter 158 : Pink Kiss

Start from the beginning

"After you debut, the popularity will certainly not be low." Luo Lingxing said with a smile. Although he was on the virtual network that day, the virtual network itself is a simulation of reality, so all senses are very real. He clearly saw that when Xia Yuan came out, the power of faith issued by those fans, especially when the other party sang, the power of faith was several times stronger than before, around Xia Yuan, just It seemed to plate him with a soft white light, but unfortunately it just turned around him but could not be absorbed by him.

Every time Luo Lingxing sees such a situation, he will be extremely distressed by those forces of faith. Unfortunately, no one in this world seems to understand the method of cultivation, and he can only let those forces of faith be wasted.

"Hey, I hope, Xiaokai came to urge me to sleep, and I will give you a video next time." Xia Yuan smiled and waved good night.

"Good night." Luo Lingxing turned off the terminal and lay in bed thinking about the power of faith in this world.

So far in this world, only he can see the power of faith. Every time he sees the power of faith around each star, he feels a pity, so under normal circumstances he is to shield the power of faith, also to avoid I am too distressed.

He was especially surprised by Han Junzhan and Ye Luohan, because the power of faith in these two people is almost materialized. If the other party knows the cultivation method, they can definitely cultivate to a high cultivation practice.

Ye Luohan is at the top of the entertainment circle. His fans are countless, and the power of faith is taken for granted. Han Junzhan, although he is not a star, is a hero of the country. Many people regard him as an idol for life. So the power of faith is also very strong.

Luo Lingxing thought faintly that maybe he could impart to Han Junzhan an unintentional cultivation method he had obtained in his previous life. It was a set of very domineering and advanced cultivation methods. Coupled with good talents for cultivation, the improvement of cultivation behavior is definitely faster and more powerful than other practitioners of the same level.

When he got this cheat book, he had already practiced with Master, and this cheat book was not suitable for his own cultivation. In that era, he did not accept apprentices, so he has not been taught to others, and the current situation of Han Junzhan is still It is more suitable for practicing that set of cheats. After all, he is a hero coming down from the blood field, and the baptism of killing is of course not a problem.

However, he still needs to observe the other party's cultivation talents, so it is not urgent to sleep well now.

The next day, Luo Lingxing got up early in the morning. Although he didn't want to wake up in the soft bed, he thought of leaving in the afternoon, so he got up hard because he wanted to make breakfast for everyone.

First wake up the noodles, then boil the millet porridge, and then start to prepare the filling, because he plans to make some buns, pies and steamed dumplings today.

The taste of pork mushrooms and side shoots of bamboo shoots last time was pretty good, so Luo Lingxing decided to make some of them, and also prepared red bean filling to change the taste.

Soak the red beans first, then add brown sugar and a little vegetable oil and cook in a pressure cooker. The water is almost cooked, which is fine. At this time, the red beans become very soft, then crush the red beans into mud and put Let it cool on the side and set aside.

The stuffing for pork shiitake mushrooms and side dish winter bamboo shoots is relatively easy to make, and it will be ready soon.

Because of the limited time, he needs to do more, so he is not prepared to make the small buns like last time. The size of a fist is the size of an adult man, but he is still very cute.

In addition to the stuffing of pork mushrooms and side dishes of winter bamboo shoots, the pie is also filled with red bean paste. The cool red bean paste is already harder and is just right in the pie.

In addition, Luo Lingxing also made a lot of small steamed dumplings. If Aunt Lin is in the kitchen at this moment, he will be surprised, because these things can't be eaten by all people in the Korean family. If you eat it alone, you can. After eating for more than a week, it is enough to see how much Luo Lingxing has done.

By the time Han Junzhan got up, Luo Lingxing had already prepared breakfast and served it.

"Come here for dinner." Luo Lingxing greeted Han Junzhan.

Looking at the buns, pies and steamed dumplings on the table, Han Junzhan knew that it must have been made by Luo Lingxing.

"It's a rare time to come back, why don't you have a lot of rest?" Han Junzhan was both happy and distressed. Finally, he might not sleep well enough for a holiday, and he had to work overtime and work again.

"It's okay, I slept early yesterday." Luo Lingxing replied with a smile, maybe he didn't find himself acting like a wife who wakes up early to cook for her husband.

The expression on Han Junzhan's face has also softened a lot, and the corner of his mouth has been smiling, sitting at the table, picking up the food and porridge specially prepared by Luo Lingxing, and feeling warm and sweet before eating.

"Buns and pies have pork and mushroom stuffing, side dishes of winter bamboo shoots and red bean paste, and steamed dumplings are only meat and vegetables." Luo Ling Xingyi introduced.

Han Junzhan took a bite of pork stuffed buns. Although he had eaten it last time, he still felt very delicious, and even tasted the sweetness from it.

"There are many more freshly steamed in the kitchen. When you go out to do tasks, you will bring them in the space button. When you want to eat, you can take them out at any time." Luo Lingxing also said that he also knew that he would definitely eat when he was doing tasks outside. It ’s not easy to sleep well, so how can you have the energy to do the task well, of course, you should eat well to be more energetic, anyway, the space button has a fresh-keeping function, what you put it in, and what it takes when you take it out.

Han Junzhan heard the words, stopped eating, and stared at Luo Lingxing closely, because he wanted to eat more than Baozi at the moment ... Luo Lingxing.

Luo Lingxing felt the fiery eyesight and looked at Han Junzhan who had stopped eating. He was about to speak, but he felt two soft lips attached to his lips, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Han Junzhan carefully portrayed the slaughter shape of Luo Lingxing. Over and over again, how could it not feel enough, unlike the first unconscious kiss, this time under his clear knowledge of his feelings for Luo Lingxing Kissing is more fascinating and sweet than the first time.

"Meet ..." Luo Lingxing couldn't help moaning, Han Junzhan's tongue slipped in and started to attack the city, attacking a lot, obviously more proficient than the first skill, making Luo Lingxing even more unable to parry.

No way, he couldn't help it, he didn't expect his Lolo to think so far, and he made all the meals after him, which moved him greatly, especially looking at the pink lips , And couldn't hold it back.

"Luo Luo, thank you." Han Junzhan opened Luo Lingxing's lips, but did not let go of this person, holding him happy and said

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