Chapter 68: too busy

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Yang Chuanzhi finally got enough, and then pulled Luo Lingxing over and said, "The painting was drawn by Xiao Luo."

The man was looking at Luo Lingxing right now, looking at Luo Lingxing up and down, and couldn't believe it: "Are you kidding me? Xiao Luo looks 17 or 18 years old?"

"Huh, don't underestimate Xiao Luo. Although he is not very young, he is so good at painting. Even Master Zhao praises him." Yang Chuanzhi said proudly, as if he was praised.

"Really, that's amazing." The man said in exasperation.

"Xiao Luo, this is Wu Hao Xue, the host of Star Entertainment. Do n't look at his name, but his eloquence is first-rate. This is Luo Ling Xing. The actors of my crew are not only good at painting, but also have great acting skills, etc. You will definitely be surprised when it is released on TV. "Yang Chuanzhi introduced the two.

When the other little stars saw Wu Hao coming over, they couldn't help but want to get close to the set. Unfortunately, he had been talking to Yang Chuanzhi, there was no room to intervene. Now he is watching Yang Chuanzhi introduce Luo Lingxing to Wu Haoxue. Many people are envious, of course, jealous people are indispensable, Su Lingping is one of the worst.

"Hello, Angkor, long time admiring your name, please give me advice later." Luo Lingxing reached out and said.

"Hello, the young people are really amazing, so powerful, then wouldn't our seniors be photographed on the beach soon." Wu Haoxue made a sad expression and said melancholy.

"You have been photographed on the beach for a long time, and you still have no self-knowledge." Yang Chuanzhi said very facelessly.

Luo Lingxing watched the two men run into each other from before to now, knowing that the relationship between the two in private must be very good.

"Good Angkor, I am Su Lingping. I especially like to watch the programs you host. I always hope to have the opportunity to go to Angkor." Su Lingping took the opportunity to come over and squeezed Luo Lingxing aside deliberately, and then smiled Said flatteringly.

"Angkor, the director is looking for you over there." A staff member ran and called out.

"Got it, I'm passing first. You are here to prepare, don't be nervous, just as casual as you want in your own home." Wu Haoxue said to Luo Lingxing, completely ignoring Su Lingping.

"Thank you Angkor." Luo Lingxing thanked politely and ignored Su Lingping.

Su Lingping's expression was a wonderful expression, but the other party was Wu Haoxue, and he was not too good to show it. He could only transfer this qi to Luo Lingxing.

"Then I won't disturb you anymore, you should go make-up first, it's time to start." Yang Chuanzhi said hurriedly, and couldn't wait to go to the lounge to continue to appreciate his paintings.

"We're not in a hurry, the makeup artist can't be too busy, and it may be Xiao Luo's turn to wait for a while." Chen Hongliang said with a smile.

Yang Chuanzhi said, frowning, and asked, "What's going on? How could the makeup artist not be too busy? This will soon start recording. If you don't make up, it's too late."

"Today's makeup artist may be relatively few. The makeup of other people has not been finished, it's okay, we are waiting for it, and it should be fine soon." Chen Hongliang said "compassionately".

Yang Chuanzhi heard that his brows were tighter. Look at the makeup artist who is applying makeup to others. Look at Luo Lingxing and Chen Hongliang. Look at Su Lingping 's expression. If you do n't understand what is going on, His director has been in the entertainment industry for so long.

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