Chapter 66: keep on

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"Boss, let Master Luo stop, in this way, he can't support his body." Zhang Xuan said anxiously.

However, Han Junzhan's eyes and attention were on Luo Lingxing, just like he didn't hear it, and he came to the end with Luo Lingxing.

The moment I crossed the finish line, Luo Lingxing finally couldn't hold on, and the shaking body would be planted on the ground.

Closing his eyes, he didn't feel the impact from the ground for a long time. Luo Lingxing opened his eyes hard, and saw Han Junzhan's magnificent face appear in front of him.

Zhao Chongzhuo and others hurriedly came around and saw Luo Lingxing was sweaty and held in his arms by Han Junzhan.

"Boss, I'm going to get a military doctor." Zhang Xuan said that he was going to run out, Luo Lingxing's situation is obviously very bad.

"No, no, I, I'm fine." Luo Lingxing said difficultly, trying to straighten the spiritual power in his body, adjusting his breathing, and then took out another piece of dessert in front of everyone and put it in his mouth. Supplementing spiritual power.

After eating several pieces in a row, Luo Lingxing finally felt more comfortable. The pain that seemed to explode the chest cavity also disappeared, and the strength of the body returned to some "Master Luo, what are you eating?" Zhang Xuan and others looked at the recovering Luo Lingxing in surprise, and asked puzzled.

They all noticed that Luo Lingxing was eating during the run. At first, they thought he was taking a stimulant. As a result, it seems that it is not, and the smell of this thing is quite fragrant. If it weren't for such a situation, maybe they all wanted to try a few pieces.

"Several pieces of dessert I made, do you want some?" Luo Lingxing asked subconsciously when he saw several people's "eager" eyes.

"Is it possible? I have never seen a dessert of this shape." Zhang Xuan said with a smile immediately, obviously wanting to try it.

Luo Lingxing took out some points from the space to Zhao Chongzhuo and others.

Zhang Xuan could not wait to taste a bite, and was immediately astounded. The soft and sweet taste made him want to bite off his tongue. Although he usually seldom eats desserts, if it is like this, he is willing to eat every day.

Even Zhao Chongzhuo, who doesn't like dessert very much, quickly cut off the pieces he had divided, and even had some intentions.

Some of the rest recruits finally knew what the scent was during the running. Although they also wanted to try it, they did n't have the courage to watch a few officers here.

Lin Mingying didn't swallow the dates like Zhang Xuan and Zhao Chongzhuo, only cared about the taste. Attentively, he also found that after eating this dessert, there was still a trace of energy that seemed to have gone around the body, making the body more comfortable.

"Master Luo, did you do it yourself?" Lin Mingying asked.

"Well," Luo Lingxing nodded in response.

Lin Mingying looked at Luo Lingxing again with a little bit of other things, but no one noticed it, so he took it back and continued to eat the desserts he had received.

"You are here for today's training, and will continue tomorrow afternoon." Han Junzhan said to Luo Lingxing, and then regardless of other people's reactions, he took Luo Lingxing away until he left the military department, and others watched it again In the absence of the situation, Luo Lingxing finally relaxed his body that had been forcibly supported. The soreness of pain suddenly struck. His legs trembled and could not support the body, causing Luo Lingxing to fall to the side unpreparedly.

[BOOK 1] The Interstellar Male God Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu