Chapter 20

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The school hallways of Rose academy were filled with students. All of them seemingly engrossed in their usual activities. Although it was a Monday, the students seemed to be more enlivened than usual. There was a particular crowd of students whom Nyla noticed, were crowded around the middle of the hall looking at something and making loud, excited exclamations. Nyla meandered around a few students before reaching the middle where a cluster of students blocked her from proceeding. The problem with being 4'8 was that there was no way she could see over the rest of the kids. Nyla scowled as a girl clawed at her bag trying to get a better look at the poster.

As the passing period was coming to an end, students slowly began to disperse and Nyla was finally able to make her way out of the hall, but not before she took a quick peek at what all the commotion was about. There was a football practice planned that week on a friday evening. Rose Academy was supposed to play against another school.

Nyla adjusted her grip on the books in her hands as she looked at the poster. The game would take place that Friday afterschool.

"Gonna come for the game on Friday night?"

Nyla looked up for the source of the sound. It was Brad. The same kid that had offered her a cigarette the other day. Nyla quickly recovered from her initial shock.

"No." Nyla she answered abruptly, "probably not."

"How come." He asked tilting his head in greeting to one of his friends in the hall.

"I have things to do." Nyla said stiffly.

"Aren't your brothers playing?" He asked.

Nyla paused, "I think so."

"You don't wanna come see it then."

Nyla was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. She didn't understand why he wanted her to come in the first place. And she hadn't even considered coming to watch the game because her brothers were playing. She paused for a moment pretending to consider.

"I dunno," she said finally, "I might who knows."

The kid nodded, "I'll see you around then." He said.

Nyla nodded and went on her way wondering if she should attend, and why this Brad kid was inviting her in the first place. Wasn't he one of the older kids? Usually kids didn't give her a second glance after finding out that she was a freshman. The ones that did care mostly only did because they liked her brothers. She knew the twins were definitely going to be playing but she wasn't sure if they would allow her to watch or not. Besides, she'd want to go with someone if she was going to go at all, There'd be no fun in going alone. **********It turned out that Nyla actually did go to the game. Her brothers were all staying afterschool, the twins to play and, the triplets to watch. So, Nyla decided to spare her eldest brothers from having to pick her up that day since Laila would be staying for the game as well, and they could both have fun together. Laila was sitting next to her on the bleachers with a large bag of chocolate-covered popcorn watching. Her popcorn, not the game.

"Did they score yet?" she asked sparing a glance at the field as she she stuffed a handful into her mouth.

"I think they're about to, hold on, I think your brother has the ball."

"Mmghgm. Oh my gosh you're right! I would cheer for him but this popcorn though." She said grabbing another handful. She unceremoniously stuffed it into her mouth, unintentionally garnering unwanted attention from a few girls nearby who shot her nasty looks, of which she was completely oblivious.

"OH, MY GOSH! I totally forgot!"

"What?" Nyla asked.

"To ask you, do you want some?" She asked, holding out the bag of salted caramel chocolate flavored popcorn.

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