Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Hey all, here's an update as promised. 

Zain, lay sprawled across the triangular step with one arm behind his head and the other at his side on the step above him. It was unusual to see him at peace and not as if he was about to bust into flames from his ill temperedness. Nyla didn't want to initiate any trouble so she tiptoed closer towards him, leaning forward a bit to see if he was still asleep. His eyes were closed and his breathing slow and steady.

Nyla assured herself that he really was asleep before slowly lifting her foot and tiptoeing onto the step above him in a lunging motion. He didn't stir at all and Nyla was confident that he was asleep. She shifted her weight to the leg above him and pushed herself onto the other stair.

Zain's eyes flew open.

"Shit!" She said. Her mouth opened at her own exclamation. But she wasted no time and continued her attempt to get to the top of the stairs.

Zain's eyes widened. They flashed a fiery amber, and the next instant, she was pulled down on the stair next to him roughly.

"What. did you say?" Zain asked. His was low, but it crackled with fury.

Nyla looked at him stupefied and unable to speak. She had surprised herself with her exclamation and she didn't know how to explain herself. She knew it was a bad thing to say, although, she didn't know what it meant or how bad it was. Zain stared at her threateningly. A vein throbbed just above his temple, matching the pace of Nyla's heartbeat which began to quicken.

Zain clenched his fists and tightened his jaw. Nyla stood paralyzed in shock and fear yet somehow her fingers found their way to her necklace and she began fingering it nervously. Zain watched every movement of hers like a hawk circling above it's prey.

Without warning or any change in temperance, Zain grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the stairs with him. She didn't even try to get away knowing that it would be nearly impossible. He led her to the top of the stairs beside the banister that looked out over the Livingroom.

Nyla looked at him in confusion wondering why he had brought her there. "So tell me, where did you learn to speak like this from?" He asked quietly which seemed to be quite a struggle for him since his face was anything but calm.

His voice held no threat, and it sounded almost as if they were having a normal conversation. Almost. For some reason that scared Nyla even more. She fidgeted, toying with her fingers. It must have been a really bad word then. She hadn't really heard anyone say such things especially since she went to a catholic school where there were very strict rules. And her foster mother obviously never spoke in such a manner in front of her.

She thought of Tony and how Aliyaar had nudged him when he said it. He obviously didn't want her to hear, or repeat it and she never planned to repeat it. She debated on whether or not to tell Zain about Aliyaar's friend Tony. She had a feeling Aliyaar would not be too thrilled about it. She tugged the pendant on her necklace lightly and bit her cheek nervously. Zain folded his arms and cocked his head waiting for an answer, "You have five seconds to spill before I throw you over this banister." He warned.

Nyla looked at him in fear wondering if he would really do such a thing. He stood intimidatingly close and  his eyes flashed dangerously. She quickly thought of what to say.

She was too late. There was a blur of motion in which Zain picked her up and set her on the banister. She screamed but it was muffled in the palm of his hand. She was amazed at how fast he moved. Nyla widened her eyes at the sight below her. She was right over the living room, one small motion and she would be on the floor, twelve feet below her. She tried grabbing onto Zain's shoulder, but he took his other hand off her mouth and caught her hands before she could.

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