Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to ask you something real quick. I've been writing these last few chapters really fast and I think that quality of my writing might not be so good because of that. So, I wanted to know if you guys prefer slow updates, like once a week with good quality content or  faster updates like twice or maybe even more updates a week instead and then I can go back and edit the book when I'm done. Please comment to let me know otherwise I'll just decide myself. 

Also, feel free to leave comments if you see any typos or have questions about anything. Enjoy!


"Laila?" Nyla whispered.

"Holy smokes!" Laila jumped, startled, "You sacred the living daylights out of me."

"Shh." Nyla whispered looking at the kid on the porch. His back was facing them and he didn't seem to hear.

"Hurry." Laila said gesturing for her to come in. She shut the gate behind them slowly and walked across the yard to a sliding glass door that lead to a dining room where a bunch of drunk teenagers sat. On girl grabbed a bottle and started chugging it.

Nyla ignored the queasy feeling in her stomach. Laila watched in disgust. "I've tried it once and it tastes horrible." She said. "I'm trying to find out where a bathroom is so that you can change."She lead Nyla out of the room. The layout was somewhat similar to Nyla's house since it was in the same neighborhood as hers. "I think I know where it is."

She pulled Laila in the opposite direction. Sure enough, she found a bathroom right in the hallway where the stairs leading to the basement were. Unfortunately, it was locked. So Nyla had went back the way they came, avoiding the Livingroom where music pounded against the speakers blocking out any other sound. Laila looked at her questioningly. Nyla pulled her close to her lips, as she covered her ears. "there's another one upstairs." She said.

Laila gave her a puzzled look but followed her upstairs to the nearest bathroom which was indeed on the left. The noise was somewhat lesser upstairs and Nyla breathed a sigh of relief as she uncovered her ears. The knots in her throat tightened from her nervousness. She stepped into the bathroom with her bag and Laila followed.

"Change in the shower." She said, "I'm not waiting out there alone."

Nyla complied and stepped behind the shower curtain pulling it closed behind her. She felt weird changing in another person's house. She unzipped her bag and pulled out the dress. She unbuttoned her uniform and stuffed it into her bag as she pulled on the turquoise colored dress. She had paired it with a white cardigan since it was sleeveless. She pulled out the silver sequined heels and stepped out of the shower slipping her feet into them.

Laila stared at her for a second and then nodded, "You look really nice and the sandals match perfectly."

"Thanks, "Nyla said as she stumbled over to the toilet paper and tore off a few pieces stuffing them into the small crevice at the back of her shoe.

"Now for the makeup," Laila said rummaging through Nyla's bag, She pulled the tiny pouch out and handed it to Nyla, "I only know how to do eyeliner, and mascara, she said pulling out two bottles." She expertly drew a line underneath her eye with a subtle wing at the end.

In the meanwhile, Nyla pulled out her matching earrings and began putting them on. Laila walked over to her and showed her the bottle, "Want me to do it on you." Nyla looked at Laila's eyes. They were nicely done and her purple eyes contrasted against the thin dark black line that outlined her large eyes.

"Sure," Nyla said nodding. It was her first time doing makeup and she was excited.

"Done," Laila said a few minutes later. Nyla examined herself in the mirror.

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