Chapter Six

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A/N: If you got this far, leave a comment or else 

😡 JK😁 no but really, comment. K peace✌


"Which class do you have" Deen asked as he snatched her schedule from her, Shaam leaned in to look too.

"Oh my god, she's in the same class as us" Deen said.

"You're taking civics already?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because people usually take that in their junior year since it's a graduation requirement." Shaam said.

"Yeah, I know Ellen told me but I wanted to get it out of the way since it's a requirement so I took it now" She said. "But how are you guys in my glass, I thought it would be girls only."

"It's a one semester class," Shaam said, "One semester classes are usually mixed."

"Yeah and good luck with meeting  Nightmare." Deen said as his brothers snickered.

"That's her real name? Nyla asked and her brothers snickered again.

"Why else would we call her that?" Haaris said the corners of his mouth lifting.

"She's a real nightmare," Shaam said shaking his head.

When they finally reached the class, Nyla sat down close to Shaam but when the teacher noticed, she looked at her sternly.

"I take it you are new to the class" she said as she looked at Nyla sternly.

"Yes," Nyla said uncomfortably.

"Well, I don't know about your other classes but in this class we have assigned seats."

Nyla was already beginning to hate her, "Oh," She said getting up. She was still angry about what had happened at lunch that day. She didn't know how, or why but she couldn't stop herself.

"Sorry Ms. Nightmare." She blurted, her face heating up with anger.

The entire class erupted into a fit of laughter.  Nyla regretted it as soon as she said it  and quickly covered her mouth and looked at her brothers to see their reaction.

 Deen was literally in tears as he laughed. Haaris smacked his desk hard as he struggled to breathe and Shaam was also shaking with laughter and clapping his hands he looked at her and gave her the thumbs up sign. She scowled at him even though she felt kind of happy that she had kind of gotten their approval but she felt ashamed at the same time. She never dared to disrespect a teacher before and she wanted to apologize but couldn't as the class still hadn't stopped laughing.

After the class had quieted down a bit, the teacher turned to Nyla, "The first day in my class and you have already earned a detention" she said sternly as she looked at her, her face had yet to go back to it's normal color.

"Sorry, Mrs. Knight," Shaam piped 

up from the back, "it was me who told her that name" he said raising his hand and standing up.  Nyla looked up at him confused as to why he was taking the blame.

Mrs. Knight looked from him to Nyla, "ahh, so you guys know each other? Siblings perhaps?" She looked at the seating chart on her desk. "Mmh siblings yes . Well, then, I guess you can get out of trouble this one time, hopefully you'll follow in Anwar's footsteps who I've heard is better and not these three" she said frowning at the triplets.

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