Chapter Eight

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Kick...kick...kick.kick.kick.kick. It was getting harder and harder to ignore. Nyla was sitting in her seat in math class with Mr. Wallace and she had been trying for the past few minutes to ignore the kicking on her seat. She grit her teeth reaching for her eraser to erase the streak of grey that had been made across her paper. "What!" she snarled as she whirled around in her seat coming to face Angie who was right behind her.

"Nothing." Angie said as she slurped water from the bottle on her desk.

Nyla huffed and turned around again. "Do you want me to flip her over with her chair?" Laila asked seriously.

Nyla smiled amused. She doubted Laila had the strength to do it but she knew she would try anyway, not caring what happened.

"Its fine," she said. Kick.Kick.Kick.Kick. "Stop that." She said gritting her teeth and keeping herself from turning around. Mr. Wallace's eyes were on her and she didn't want him to think she wasn't paying attention.

"You might wanna tell your friend Olivia that, she hasn't been following her diet lately." Angie murmured from behind.

This time it was Laila who whirled around, "So, it was you who told her to do that? She has been starving herself for you?" Laila seethed.

Nyla pinched her lightly and she turned back around about to snap at her too, but then she stopped when she saw Mr. Wallace glance at her for a second before turning to the board again to continue teaching.

Angie took the opportunity to say something again. "I was just trying to help" Angie whispered all too close to Nyla's ear. "She was looking better than before now that she isn't so fat."

Nyla was practically boiling with rage but she held it in, not wanting to ruin her impression in front of Mr. Wallace. But Laila had other ideas.

"She is not fat, and instead of worrying about weight maybe your should lose some of that ego of yours which.."

"Girls, is there a problem back there?" Mr. Wallace asked.

"No." Nyla said at the same time as Angie.

"Angie," Laila muttered, "but I can handle her myself." She said imperceptably.

Nyla was walking with Laila in the hall just after class had ended. "I can't believe she is the reason for Olivia's disorder." Laila huffed angrily.

"I know." Nyla said. "But be glad she isn't continuing with it, she is actually getting help."

"I guess you're right," Laila agreed, "but if Angie dares say anything more, we are going to have to do something about it."

"Like what?" Nyla asked tilting her head to look at her.

Laila thought for a second, " that" she jutted her chin out in front of her and Nyla looked forward to where she was gesturing. A huge crowd had gathered in the hallway which was so large, it managed to fit them all comfortably so Nyla could actually see what was going on.

In the middle of the crowd stood Aliyaar his eyes flashed a fiery amber as he drew his bloody fist backward and then forward again as he slammed it into his victim's face. There was a sickening crack as the student stumbled backward into the wall his eyes closing as he slid down the wall breathing hard.

Nyla gasped as she glimpsed his battered face. His left eye was turning a shade of purple and blood lined the side of his face dripping onto his uniform and tie. Aliyaar stood towering over him his muscles bulging as he clenched his fists to his side. He leaned forward as he bent into a crouch and gazed at the kid before him with malice. His jaw clenched and he raised his arm. His friend Tony stood behind him. His earring glinting as he leaned forward to say something to Aliyaar. Nyla looked around worriedly scanning the crowd for her brothers but not finding them.

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