Chapter Three

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Nyla looked up in amazement at the roller coaster going full speed while flipping its screaming occupants upside-down. She right away decided that she would definitely not be going on that ride.

"Which one do you want to go on?" Anwar asked.

She looked around and pointed to one that looked the least petrifying. The triplets had already gone off somewhere on their own to ride the bigger, more scarier rollercoasters. Anwar and Asad had taken her around to ride on the smaller ones and at first Asad had sat on the rides along with them, but he seemed to grow tired of them and finally just sat on the benches leaving Anwar with her. He didn't seem to mind however, and patiently took her to the ride she had already been on four times in a row. Nyla was extremely happy, never having been to an amusement par before and she marveled at nearly everything in sight, not able to get enough of looking at anything. 

After a few more rounds, Nyla finally grew tired and was feeling slightly sick from the ride she had just gone on which had gone in circles multiple times at a high speed . Anwar had led her to the bench where Asad was sitting. He took one look at her face and stood up mentioning a food court on the other side of the park where he was going to go get something to eat. Nyla sat down on the bench next to Anwar feeling dizzy and nauseous.

Anwar had taken pity on her and asked her if she'd like to lean on his shoulder for a minute. She felt rather odd saying yes since she had only known him for a day but she agreed  anyway since her the feeling of having to vomit overwhelmed all other feelings. She closed her eyes trying to suppress the urge to throw up. She felt a little better after a minute or so and she opened her eyes which fell upon  a trio with reddish black hair towering over the counter of a nearby shop.

A man stood in front of  them gesturing to a few buckets with small holes in them stuck onto different areas on the wall and saying something. Inside his shop were a bunch of toys, stuffed animals, and an assortment of candies.

 One of the triplets threw his beanbag towards one of the buckets, but it missed by a few inches, hitting the wall next to it. The next one managed to throw his closer to the hole but it sailed through the air nearly going through the hole but fell short just a centimeter.  The other two brothers made loud exclamations on how close it had been and the shop owner shook head head and smiled. Suddenly, one of the triplets fell, collapsing onto the ground. The shop owner's eyes widened in panic and he immediately ran over to help the other triplet who was as crying out and gesturing at his brother on the floor.

The third one took advantage of the situation and leaped over the counter in one smooth motion. He placed his beanbag into the bucket hardest to score into then ran back and jumped the counter once more landing smoothly and soundlessly on the concrete. He walked over on the other side and nudged his brother who was on the ground with his foot lightly. His brother immediately sat up, and dusting himself off seemingly assuring the shopkeeper that he was fine and then gesturing along with his brother at the buckets. The shopkeeper looked over in disbelief as they gestured to the farthest bucket on the wall telling him they had scored. He walked over and opened the lid and sure enough, there was a beanbag. Nyla looked up at Anwar to see if he was watching but he scrolling through his phone unware of the stunt his brothers had pulled.

The owner looked at the three suspiciously and Nyla thought he had figured out what they had done, but he turned and walked over to the back of the shop returning with an extremely large, fluffy, hot pink pillow. The triplets looked at it disappointedly before shrugging and accepting it. They turned around to walk away and then brightened when they saw Nyla, immediately changing direction and walking over to her.

"Hey, look what we got for you" Shaam said handing her the pillow.

Anwar looked up at them, "Oh good, you guys are here, I was about to call you just now to watch her cuz I have to go to the bathroom." He said before getting up and walking away.

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