Chapter Eleven

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The triplets walked back each one carrying a tray laden with a mountain of cheese sticks and small tubs of marinara sauce.

"Where did you get those from." Laila said gaping at him.

"Oh, you know...somewhere." Deen said placing his tray down.

The other two also placed their trays down and sat down.

"Alright." Haaris said rubbing his hands together, "Let's begin shall we?"

"Hold on, lemme divide them." He began placing the ones from the third tray into the other two until they both held the same amount of cheese sticks. He slid one over to Laila who took it greedily and he slid the second one over to Haaris who grinned devilishly as he opened one of the mini tubs of marinara.

Nyla noticed a few students from Angie's table pointing and a few of them came over and stood nearby to watch. A few students from the other tables also came over and sat down. Anwar came over and facepalmed as he realized what was happening. Soon enough a large crowd of students had gathered, forming a large circle around the table. A few of the lunch supervisors walked over and began whispering to each other as they looked at the crowd. One of them walked over and everyone tensed.

"Guys, no eating contests allowed okay? We don't want anybody choking or anything."

"No it's alright," Deen said. "It's not really a contest, its their regular portion sizes Haaris normally eats like an elephant."

Haaris nudged him hard and he smirked.

"Yeah!" Laila said, way too eagerly to be convincing. "My doctor told me I need to eat more, because I'm seriously underweight see?" She said holding up an extremely thin arm that jingled with all the charm bracelets on it.

The teacher looked at her suspiciously. "Okay, but we really don't want everyone crowded around, everybody needs to clear out from here okay?"

"Yup, you got it, everybody get out of here." Deen said feigning seriousness. He winked at the crowd before nudging Shaam.

"Hurry up start the timer." He muttered.

Shaam brought up his arm and pressed a few buttons on his wristwatch, "On the count of three, one, two, three." He pressed a button on his watch.

Everyone watched in amazement as Laila and Haaris began shoveling mouthfuls of food into their mouths.

Both of them seemed to be evenly matched with the nearly the same amount of cheese sticks in their trays.

Some of the kids began cheering, most of them saying Haaris's name and only a few people cheering for Laila. Nyla noticed Tony in the crowd watching his sister. He pulled Aliyaar off the table and they both stood with wicked grins on their faces as they watched. Tony's braces glinted as he grinned and he said something to Aliyaar who nodded.

The teachers came over again and tried breaking up the crowd but nobody could hear their voices over the loud ruckus. The entire cafeteria had gathered over to watch and were cheering loudly. The ground shook as the crowd stamped their feet on the ground and clapped and whistled. More people began cheering for Laila as she grabbed a large handful of the cheese sticks and shoved them into her mouth. Her cheeks expanded with the amount of food in them and Haaris widened his eyes as he looked at her before grabbing his own handful, which was slightly larger than hers, and shoveling it into his mouth.

Laila swallowed first and then grabbed another large handful and shoved it in her mouth. Haaris hadn't even finished his handful but he picked up a few cheese sticks too and tried to fit them in his mouth. He only managed to fit a few. Nyla winced as she watched him chew. His mouth looked as if it was about to explode yet he somehow managed to continue chewing.

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