Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Hey guys, I had to edit this chapter because I accidentally posted the same one as the previous chapter. 

The next morning, Nyla and her brothers took the car to school since there was still snow on the streets. When they pulled into the school parking lot, Nyla saw Tony waiting for Aliyaar near the corner of the building where he was smoking a cigarette. Nyla held onto Anwar's hand tightly and walked on the other side of him so she didn't have to see Tony as she walked into the building. As soon as they got inside, the triplets and Anwar dispersed in different directions and Nyla immediately ran to her first period class.

She waited excitedly for second period where she knew she'd see Nyla. When second period finally did roll around, Laila was nowhere to be found. The bell was about to ring and students began to take their seats. Nyla noticed Angie amongst them but there was no sign of Laila even after the bell rang. That's weird, I saw Tony today. She thought.

She heard someone clear their throat loudly behind her. She was about to look but she stopped herself knowing it was Angie.

"I'd look if I were you." Angie said in a smug voice.

Nyla ignored her and continued writing her notes. "I know you were at the party." Angie said.Nyla continued ignoring her.

"I have videos of it."

Nyla stiffened holding her breath, she slowly turned around, "What?" She whispered.

Her eyes widened. Angie was holding her phone out in front of Nyla's face and showing her a picture of her sitting with Jackson on the terrace as a girl held out a tray of drinks in front of the two of them.

Angie swiped the screen to the next photo which displayed A drunk Laila pulling Nyla away and down the terrace steps.

She swiped to the next one which was a video that had Zain and Aliyaar in it. She muted the sound before playing it. It was a short clip of the redhead kid who looked mangled and bloody as Zain punched him once before he crumpled to the ground. Aliyaar was standing in the background his eyes full of anger as he moved towards Zain and the redhead.

Angie swiped to the final clip, It was outside the house and slightly dark, the video looked like it was being taken from behind something out of people's view. It showed the redhead being lifted onto a stretcher in an ambulance. In the corner, there were three or four police cars with their lights on and flashing, Nyla noticed Asad talking to a police officer. Zain stood casually leaning on the squad car with a bored look on his face not the least bit concerned about the handcuffs on his hands."

The clip ended and Angie instantly pulled the phone away from Nyla's reach. "How's that for a surprise?"

Nyla looked back at her with a stunned expression on her face, Zain had gotten arrested? How come he was home then?

"Delete it" she hissed, glancing at the teacher for a second to see if he was paying attention. He was still immersed in his lecture.

"Nope" Angie said smugly, she tucked her phone into the tiny purse that hung from her hip. 

"Everyone should know about the terrorism you guys are behind."

"What do you mean?" Nyla asked angrily.

"You're Muslim right?" Angie asked.

"Yes." Nyla answered without hesitation. It felt weird saying that since she was raised by her foster mother as a Christian. Now that she was with her brothers, she chose to practice their religion instead, but it was the first time she had confirmed being Muslim aloud to someone.

The Sultansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें