Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey all, I might change a few things in the earlier chapters. My writing will definitely get better as go, I did all those previous chapters in just one or two weeks which is why I think they are kinda sloppy. I am going to put more effort in the future chapters and will hopefully update at LEAST twice a week. Cheers!

It was a weekend morning and Nyla and her brothers had just finished breakfast. Asad announced that they would be training that day and Nyla was free to do as she liked as long as she stayed away from the barn and pool. She wanted to ask what he meant by training but figured they would just be working out and so, she had went upstairs to her room to complete her homework before Monday.

She had worked for quite a while and her hands were beginning to ache from writing so much, she grumbled to herself about how unfair it was that they had to write it by hand. She had heard that the other classes barely had much to write and they would be allowed to type theirs. When she had finally finished, she rubbed her eyes and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to grab a quick snack before lunch. As she was searching through the cabinets, she heard a loud thump in the basement.

She warily walked to the foot of the basement stairs pausing. She heard a few more thumps and some whirring sounds and then another loud thump.

Asad never said I can't go in the basement she thought to herself. She tiptoed down the stairs which, lucky for her, were carpeted and muffled her footsteps. When she had reached the bottom, she stood in a small area where there was open space to her left, and a door with a glass window to her right. The left side was all dark so she peaked into the closed room.

The room was lit brightly with small lights scattered across the large ceiling. The ceiling stood pretty tall for a basement and when she looked around the room, she could see why. There was exercise equipment everywhere. One one side of the room, there was a whole gym with a row of dumbbells', exercise balls, a rowing machine, and whole bunch of other exercise equipment including treadmills. That side of the room was completely occupied with the triplets who were all using different equipment. Deen was spotting Shaam as he lifted weights that looked so heavy, Nyla watched as his skinny arms lifted them with surprising ease although the dumbbell itself didn't seem to be very heavy.

Zain on the other hand, was on the matted side of the room, curling two large dumbbells' in each hand as if they were just oversized q-tips. He sat off to the side watching as the twins wrestled with each other. In the corner of the room there was a punching bag in the corner which Asad was attacking vigorously. His large muscles rippling with every impact. And she winced every time he hit the bag.She looked back at the twins watching as they attacked each other. Although they were both equally muscular and seemed to be an even match, Aliyaar was gaining the upper hand as he threw punch after punch and Anwar struggled to block all of them. Anwar threw a punch to Aliyaar's chest who side stepped and threw a round house punch, hitting him in the side. Anwar quickly recovered and grabbed Aliyaar by the shirt and pushed him backward as he tripped him. An Nyla thought he had finally gained the upper-hand, but just before Aliyaar fell, he grabbed Anwar with him as he fell, throwing him to the ground and flipping him over onto his back and keeping him there as he sat on him and delivered punches to his face as Anwar shielded himself. Nyla figured they weren't hard punches since Zain had yet to separate them. 

Finally, when he saw Anwar was unable to get Aliyaar off, he pulled Aliyaar off of him and Anwar got up shaking his head and brushing himself off. He looked up and spotted Nyla at the door and he looked angry. Nyla quickly ducked her head but she knew she was too late. The doorknob twisted and Anwar appeared with Aliyaar behind him.

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