Here To Stay (Temporarily)

Start from the beginning

Luna walked up to Mario and tugged at his sleeve.

Luna: Uncle dear, come play with me!

Mario: Kids enough, the answer's no!

Dave and Luna sighed before trudging back towards their room. They both paused and caught sight of a piano in the main room. Both of them excitedly ran over and began to play. Luigi smiled as the kids played.

Mario: Must you play now?

Dave: I think it's beautiful...

Mario paused and looked over at what they were playing.

Mario: What is it, anyway?

Luna: I don't know! It was just here on the piano...

Mario: Well, it hurts my head!

Luigi: Please let's not fight brother!

             I'm sure Merlon never intended a slight dear...

Mario: How dare he patronize us!

              We should never have accepted!

LuigiWe need the money...

             That's all.

             That's why things haven't been right brother...

Mario: Why doesn't it surprise me that I get the blame here?!

Luigi sighed in defeat.

Luigi: Let's leave tonight brother.

             If it would serve to ease your troubled mind...

             Leave the hurt behind...

Dave and Luna gasped as they looked into their bedroom.

Dave: Father dear, come over here!

            And look at what they gave to us!

They both walked out with a silver music box, two crystal roses inside of it.

Luna: Wind it up and father see!

             Look it plays a melody!

~Pause and play music box~

Luigi winced as he recognized the tune.

Luigi: Mario...

Mario picked up a note from a table.

Mario: What's this?

Luigi: What is it?

Mario: It's from Merlon. He wants to meet in the hotel bar, alone.

Luigi: Alone?

Mario: Well, he may lack courtesy, but he does show a certain savoir-faire in choosing a business rendezvous.

Luigi: Mario, please...

Mario scoffed.

Mario: Please what?

Luigi sighed.

Luigi: Nothing...

Mario walked off and out the door. Luna and Dave went up to Luigi, sad expressions on their faces as Dave held the music box.

Luna: Uncle never plays with us...

Dave: Doesn't he love us?

Luigi: Oh, darlings!

~Stop Music~

Luigi swept the two of them into a hug.

"Of course he loves you! You're a part of the family! Foster or not!" Luigi exclaimed.

Daisy whistled as she walked inside with a bucket of ice only to trail off her tune.

"Um... Dare I ask what I missed..?" Daisy questioned.

Luigi sighed and stood up.

"Ever since Peach broke up with Mario, he's just been a gambling drunk... Don't tell him I said that, but I just wish he would at least show some kindness to Dave and Luna..." Luigi murmured.

Daisy sighed herself as she set down the bucket of ice.

"I just wish he would stop taking our money to gamble," Daisy stated, "And don't get me started about his drinking habits."

Daisy walked over and hugged Luigi only for him to shiver.

"Your hands are c-cold," Luigi told her.

"Gee, it MAY have something to do with the fact I just carried a bucket of ice up three floors, but that's just a guess." Daisy chuckled, "Guess you'll just have to warm me!"

Daisy hugged Luigi tighter and he laughed in response.

"Alright, alright, I get it! Now stop, I'm ticklish!" Luigi laughed.

She let go of him and he slowly stopped laughing. Dave and Luna walked over to Daisy and Luna tapped on her shoulder.

"Will you play with us, mother?" Luna asked.

Daisy smiled at them.

"Of course! You hardly need to ask!" Daisy exclaimed with a laugh, "Come on, Weegie!"

Luigi stretched and let out a yawn.

"If you don't mind, I think I'll just turn in for the night," Luigi told her.

Daisy shrugged.

"Alright, your loss," Daisy told him.

Dave and Luna took Daisy by the hands and they all ran off into their bedroom. Luigi yawned again and started towards his bedroom. He paused before he went inside, eyeing the music box Dave and Luna were given. Luigi sighed and then walked over toward it, sitting down in front of it. He reached out and turned the handle, releasing it to let the familiar melody waft over him. Luigi's eyes began to droop and before he knew it, he was asleep on the floor, music box in front of him.

One Last Chance (Dimentio X Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now