"Not what I was aiming for Hurls but good boy." Ant hummed taking his now slightly slobbery hat back, wiping it off quickly and pushing it over his jet black hair. Finally he put a pair of sunglasses on and a scarf he could dip his nose beneath.

"He won't recognise me. I have a beard now and all."

"When you were managing that bar all those years ago he'd go there every night just to stalk you. And he always knew exactly where you were at all times, even without realising it. He could pick you out in a sea of bodies instantly. Of course he's going to recognise you. Even with that sad excuse for a beard."

"He won't be expecting to see me there." Ant paused and turned back to his friend, "wait where is there?"

"He owns a small cafe on the waterfront. He'll be working till close today."

A smile pushed its way onto Anthony's features as he thought about his husband running his own cafe just like how he always talked about. He only wished he'd been there to see it.

Stevie watched as the depression fell over his friends face and sighed, reaching out his hand but waiting for permission before placing it gently on his shoulder. "It's alright. You're here now."

"Aye. Let's go before I lose my nerve."


The Taxi Ride was a torturous one, for both men.

Stephen couldn't help but overthink the entire thing. What if Dec did recognise Ant? And god what if Ant found out about Decs—

"Are we almost there?" Ant snapped Stephen from his thoughts and the Londoner noticed the aggressive fidgeting of the Geordies hands.

"Aye. Almost." Stevie paused, he knew what the answer would be but asked anyway, "there's still time to turn back you know? We can wait until you're ready for him to know you're back."

"No no I have to see him. I haven't seen him since— god no I just need to see his face."

"I know. I get it, but don't be so nervous. Just think of this as getting coffee. Keep your distance and don't stay too long. Remember you were the one who didn't want him to know you're back."

"I know and I stand by that decision... but the closer I get to him the more I question it. I've missed him so much... I thought about him everyday whilst I was in that place."

"I'm pretty sure he's spent everyday thinking of you too."

A small smile found its way onto Ant's pale face but it turned sour, "I shouldn't have put him through this."

Stephen hated seeing the dark fluctuation of emotion strike his normally stoic friend. Since coming back, Ants mental state was deeply unstable and it was understandable why from what the doctors had told him about the possible extent of his captains torture. It was the reason he now had Hurley for support and he'd improved considerably since getting the pup. "It's not you're fault and it's been hard for him yes but he's doing okay Ant. You'll see that for yourself."

"Aye." The dark haired man's knee still bounced from the nerves. Hurley shifted so his head rested against his handlers thigh, stilling it and offering his head to be petted. Ant relaxed some. "Guess I'm also a bit nervous about going in a cafe too like."

My Ant and Dec One shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz