We had gone through like twenty different rooms then I heard her squeal in happiness when she found a pink room with beautiful flowers around.

"Please.... please can I have this room?" She called to me.

"It's yours Chrissy...why don't you go get your things and put them in your room. Welcome home!" I said as she smiled widely.

As she ran off, I knew I wanted to locate my mates because we had some things to discuss. As I reached the office which was transformed into an office for all of my mates I heard voices coming through the door.

"Why do you have to be such a hateful person and treat our mate like she is nothing? Do you realize you are lucky to be alive right now because she wants to rip you apart for how you treat Chrissy, myself, and Cliff not to mention everyone else around you? You are lucky she only cut off your finger, she wanted to go for your throat. This is where it is...you will be banished from the Blood Moon Pack for your total disrespect for our Luna and the Queen of all Lycan's and werewolves alike. She was prophesied and you cannot stand in the path of that no matter how much you want. Your actions have made my decisions for me." Johnathan growled out.

I could hear her gasp in shock as I could hear her mate growl.

"You cannot banish us from what is ours!" He growled out.

"No correction it was yours...you passed it down to me. It is Mine, Cliff's along with Brent and Damien and our beloved mates. Not yours! You are nothing to this pack other than a has been and a farce when it comes to being an alpha. You are no Alpha, nor is she a Luna!" Johnathan growled out pointing at his mother.

"You have insulted our mate at every turn and we will not stand for that. You have a decision; you can leave and accept the banishment, or you won't leave this pack alive because our mate will kill you both." Johnathan deadpanned.

"Not to mention, she is pregnant, and she does not need the stress of you treating her like crap! "Our child and our mate are more important than your egos." Cliff growled out.

I knew my mates loved me and would do everything they could to protect me and our child, even if it was from their own parents. I felt the love that flowed from their voices. Now I wonder if all of my mates were in the room when suddenly my body was pulled into a hard chest as a kiss was placed on my mark. I smiled widely knowing the soothing cool feeling of Damien as I leaned my head back against him. He pulled me tighter to him as I looked up and kissed him gently.

"Why do they have to be so horrid? I would have liked it if his parents were nice and accepted me, but they treat me like I am a one night stand their son just decided to screw up. It makes me so mad. I am all of your mates not some fling." I sighed out.

"Pet yes you are, this will be handled I assure you. We will not stand for you to be treated in such a fashion. You deserve the utmost respect from everyone." He spoke lovingly.

I turned and rested my head on his chest as he pulled me tighter to him, his scent surrounding me pulling me in seductively. Damien knew my weaknesses and knew that me being in his arms was a major one, well along with him feeding from me. Whine...just the thought of that I felt my whole body craving him. I began listening to what was being said again in the office as I noticed screaming what was occurring, yet I was too lost in my mate to notice.

"You have no right, why would you choose that slut over your parents? You are playing it like she is something special but what did you sleep with her and knock her up so that's why you're protecting her?" I heard his father speak.

My jaw dropped at hearing this. Why do they have such a problem understanding I am their sons' mate? Am I such a bad person that I am not worthy of him? Damien must have heard my thoughts that ran wild in my head.

"Pet, you are the most treasured gift any of us could have received. Never think you aren't!" He whispered through the link as he kissed me.

That is when I heard it. My mate lost his cool and I heard a growl rip through the office and out of the door.

"How dare you speak about my mate like that? If you plan on breathing for another two minutes, I suggest you cut your 'I'm better than everyone else' attitude. You are not better than my mate she is caring and compassionate of others where all you care about is yourselves and Tiffany. You don't care about your sons or your youngest daughter. Therefore, Chrissy will be remaining here, and Tiffany will be banished along with you both! You showed her absolutely no respect which she deserves. So, you have exactly half an hour to get your things and leave this pack. I shall be contacting the other pack and all your things will be moved off of the pack lands. You can retrieve them from there." Johnathan informed them.

"That is our pack you can't do that!" His father yelled.

"I am the one who conquered that pack....it is MY pack! You shall not be returning to any pack which is part of the Blood Moon pack...am I understood? If you do, we shall be having a whole different encounter, I assure you." Johnathan informed them.

I heard his parents growl at him as something slammed in the office as the doors busted open as they came storming out into the hallway near where I was standing with Damien. They noticed I was in Damien's arms wrapped tightly and then they said it.

"Oh, I thought she was your mate? Well seems like she is nothing but a whore. Good luck with that!" His father spat out in my direction.

I began shaking within Damien's arms wanting to kill them now.

"For your information she is mate to both of your sons, Damien and Brent.... we are the beginning of the Lycan's once more and it's too bad if you don't like it. She is no such thing and I warned you, didn't I?" Johnathan and Cliff both growled out at them.

I looked at them both giving them the I am going to kill them look as they sighed knowing they had tried to keep it from going this way, but they will not stop.

"My turn!" I growled out as I shifted into Crystal.

Lycan's Rise - Book 2 to Fallen InnocenceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ