Cat Fights Are Always Entertaining

Start from the beginning

Sophia humbly walked away, and everyone was looking at her. she couldn't see it since she was facing the other way, but Jessica was fuming right now, and she chased after Sophia. Gasps from the audience were soon heard. Nobody was expecting it. Jessica roughly grabbed Sophia's shoulders and forced her around and slapped her hard across her cheek.

Shock and rage was filling the both of the both of them as everyone was at edge of their non existent and totally imaginary seats.

What followed after was filled with bitch slaps, some hair pulling, a lot of screaming, floor rolling, some attempted kicks that were not properly executed, and a whole lot more things that women are capable of when

Arms were soon wrapped around Sophia's waist and were restraining her from getting hurt and probably getting into trouble. Blake also came and did the dangerous task of restraining Jessica.

Both girls were being held back,but they were thrashing around trying to reach out and do some further damage.

There were more people surrounding them then there were earlier. Their coach apparently didn't bother showing up, and they have occupied a good amount of what could have been free time fighting.

It was already lunch time, and the news spread of their being a cat fight in the gym. Everyone ran to the gymnasium to see who was fighting and they were shocked.

But when Mason found out, he knew that Sophia was involved because she gets into stupid things like that. But at least he knew that life would be more thrilling with her.

He immediately ran ahead of everyone else. When he saw her, he instantly pulled her away and restrained her from Jessica.

His best buddy Blake chose to take one for the team and pulled Jessica away so that she couldn't hurt Sophia.

"Calm down." Mason kept on repeating to Sophia who did calm down a bit and was now just glaring at Jessica.

At least they both stopped thrashing around.

Mason turned her body and hugged her to provide her some comfort and to turn her vision away from Jessica because he knew that her looking at Jessica would just enrage her even more.

Her chin was on his shoulder, and he was caressing her hair and rubbing smooth circles around her back while gently swaying their bodies to further calm her down.

It was working because she wrapped her arms around him and started swaying too, and she also snuggled into his neck.

Mason started humming into her ear, which was calming her breathing, but she couldn't see that he was signaling Blake to take Jessica out.

Blake got the message and nervously gave him a thumbs up before covering Jessica's mouth with his big hand and pulling her out, almost like he was kidnapping her, but he wasn't. He was just going to take her to the clinic to treat any wounds that may have appeared.

"You remember our date? When we were dancing like this?" He huskily whispered into her ear.

Sophia was feeling so calm right now. Mason was pulling her body to his tightly. Her eyes were closed as she was savoring the moment. She could literally fall asleep right now.

"Yeah." She smiled, and she felt him do the same.

He reached out and grabbed her hand in his, and place his arm around her waist so that they were literally dancing and reliving their date.

Everyone silently took pictures and were squeezing of their cuteness.

In the clinic, the nurse was treating Jessica's multiple scratch wounds and some bite marks. She was also given an ice pack for her throbbing head due to the hair pulling part of the fight.

The nurse was dabbing a cotton ball with some ointment on her arm when she realized that she was actually feeling a little guilty for what she did.

Blake was kinda asleep on one of the chairs, and Jessica couldn't help but look at him. She started laughing when she actually thought that he was a little bit cute.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the clinic door burst open and revealed a now very calm Sophia with Mason.

Sophia took notice of sleeping Blake, but she also saw that Jessica had way more bruises and wounds than she did.

Sophia felt sorta bad for inflicting that much on her. Even if she started it, Sophia shouldn't have gave in.

"Can you and Blake stay outside for a while?" Sophia silently whispered in Mason's ear.

When he heard it, Mason pulled away and gave her an expression that showed that he didn't want the both of them alone again after what just happened, but the look on Sophia's face convinced him that she would be fine.

Mason gave her a subtle nod. He soon went over to Blake and sacked his head so that he would wake up. He woke up like an idiot.

"Let's go, man." Mason said after Blake finished panicking at what could have been a rape.

"How's your arm?" Sophia awkwardly asked after the boys left.

"It could have been worse." Jessica told her softly without even bothering to look up from the cotton ball that was being rubbed everywhere.

Sophia made probably the worse and the most awkward situation afterwards.

one last chapter and this book will be over. omg it has been so fast and it sucks that I don't even remember what day I started. to the side is the cover for my new story so that I could occupy myself this summer.

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