Maths Teacher 2

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"Why hello there my beautiful--"

"Cut the shit, dad." I say cutting him off, he sits up sighing and resting his back against the chair,

"I did try..." He mumbles to himself as I sit down across from him, we stare each other down, a grin forming on his face but I could tell that he was trying to bite it back. 

"Fuck you! Dad, you can't keep messing up with everything, alright? What'd you do?" I ask him staring him down angrily as I shake my head lightly, he sighs heavily.

"Look at you... working with the police now?" Andrew hums in delight shaking his head lightly, "I really hate you, you know? You're always on their side and you never... ever... want to listen to my side." Andrew spits at me leaning against the table, I nod my head slowly. 

"Right... And the reason I never listen to you is because you're always drunk and you always say shit that you mean. So, if you just tell them the truth... you may be able to get out earlier. Okay? You want to call me that again? Because I'm trying to help, if you don't want that then why ask me to come here?" I ask him leaning closer he raises his hands but it was quickly stopped by the rings hanging above his hands. 

"You little shit, you're seriously going to talk to your father that way--"

"And you're seriously going to talk to your daughter that can leave you here and make sure that you're life is ruined for the next 32 years?" I ask, he goes silent and leans back grinning widely looking as if he was proud of me.

"You should be a lawyer, sweetheart--"

"Don't call me that, fuck face. Now listen here, this is what you're going to do, you're going to tell the police what you did and then you're going to say that you'd like to apologise to the women that you harrassed or the multiple women, I don't know nor care but I want you to apologise, I also want you to write a statement about what you did and add in you're apology. We're going to do this by my rules and on my account." I explain to him, he grins with a huge smile.

"Whatever gets me out of these shitty handcuffs." Andrew answers back, I roll my eyes and get up opening the door.

"Come in, Hunt." I say to him, he comes inside with a pad and a pencil and I stand behind my dad while Hunt comes in and sits himself down, I close the door and stand behind him.

"You ready to talk now?" Hunt asks with a grin,

"You ready to stop asking dumb questions?" Andrew grins out teasingly with a huge smile on his face that was filled with sarcasm.

"Andrew." Hunt says sternly staring him down, Andrew flashes his biggest smile. 

"Officer Hunt." Andrew answers back,

"Permission to hit?" I ask putting my hand up with a teasing smile on my face, Hunt scoffs at this and shakes his head knowing that'd get me into shit.

"Not granted. Could you step outside?" Hunt asks, Andrew speaks up.

"Actually, she's my lawyer--"

"Very funny, Andrew." I cut him off, I go to walk off.

"HEY! No, I'm not talking unless she stays in the room, alright?" Andrew pushes, I slam my hand on the table making him flinch.

"You stay quiet." I grit through my teeth, I sigh and turn to Hunt. "I'm going. Sorry for being a bother," I apologise for Andrew, I turn to him, "you will do what we agreed on." I order and head out of the station, I go outside and see Heather. I immediately stop. "Heather? What're you doing here?" I ask her confused, she rushes over giving me a hug,

Random One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin