Chapter Nineteen: FlashBack Christmas

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I walked through the West household to see Joe decorating the tree, Barry being lazy, Iris handing out the Egg Nog.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. I was fighting over... Never mind it's a surprise." I said walking in with gifts in my hands.

"It's okay, you didn't miss much." Joe mentions. I take off my shoes and place the gifts under the tree. Joe leaves to the station to get question, when he leaves Iris pulls both Barry and I onto the floor to exchange gifts.

"We're already doing this? Christmas is not for a few days." Barry said.

"I can't wait, any longer." Iris said

"I can tell." I said

"Me first" Iris grabbed her gift from Barry and started opened it. We all saw it was a replica from Ms. West wedding band.

"My mother's wedding band?" Iris stated.

"A replica. You were devastated when you lost the real one." Barry said

"You couldn't stop blaming yourself for it, for almost a year. Never thought I would hear the end of it." I said and Iris giving a playful push. Barry, wrapped the necklace around her neck, while I awkwardly smiled.

"Oh, thanks Barry." Iris hugged Barry.

"My gift sucks comparison." Iris said ening the hug.

"Well; this was nice but I better go, before hmm ..." I dashed out of there.

"What's going on with her?" Barry asked.

"She still hasn't...?-" Iris trailed off and Barry shook his head. Since I've been dreading going to work and I love helping Barry with his cases, I thought to apply for a job at CCPD. When Barry saw me.

"Nina? What are you doing here?" He said

"Nothing, just leaving." I started to leave.

"Nina, can we talk?" I nodded.

"What's been going on with you? You've been distant since we started talking and being friends again." Barry said

"I've been just dealing with things in my life, wondering why I said those things because I know for a fact I never would say that, that wasn't me and don't love my job anymore and you." I explained.

"Me?" Barry crossed his arms and saw someone over my shoulder.

"What's wrong, Barry?" I said

"That man." I turned around and saw another speedster from across the street.

"He's the one who killed my mother." Barry said.

"Be safe and catch him." He nodded. Barry ran out of CCPD and went after the other speedster.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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