Chapter Eighteen: The Finale

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My name is Nina Williams and I'm the girlfriend of the fastest man alive. When he was a child he saw his mother killed by something impossible and his father went to prison for her murder; the accident made him into they impossible. To the outside world he's your ordinary forescientist but secretly, he uses his speed to stop crime and find people like him. One day he'll find who killed his mother and find justice for his father; that day is Today!

After Barry talked to Wells, he explained what his plan this entire time, it was to go back to his time and he also had the chance to go back in time to save his mother.

"To be with someone you love, seems pretty cut and dry to me." Caitlin said

"If you go back in time to save your mother , your life experiences from little to big can change from that moment on." Stein said

"We're actually living in parallel universe" Cisco said

" if I do save my mom, my mom lives, my dad doesn't go to prison. I never live with Joe and Iris. I might not be close with Nina. " Barry said

"You would never meet me or Caitlin and Ronnie" Cisco said

"Either way. It's a real way to find what life you would've had." Stein said

"You should do whatever your heart tells you; Barry." I said in a husk voice, I ran out of the room.

"Nina?!" Barry said coming after me.

"Nina? ..... " Barry said in sympathy.

"It's one of big decision of my life; if I'm wrong. ... I can't take it back." He said

"Why would you? You will be able to grow up with both of your parents. Even have them at your wedding; Mrs. Iris west-Allen. Ugh." I said

"I think in the future, Iris and I got married since, I didn't live together so ...." He said

"I'm not mad or upset because, your life was already altered since you saved yourself. Who knows what's different there." I said

"Oh; Nina " Barry said giving each other a long hug.

"What do you think I should do?" He said ending the hug.

"To be honest I don't want you to rewind the past because I don't want to lose you. But I understand if you do; like I would do anything to see my family, again. But Barry it's really up to you, do what makes you happy and follow your heart." I said

After Barry talking to everyone he decided to go through with it. Ronnie and Caitlin finally got married, after they did Barry gets ready to head back in time.

"Okay there's going to be three you's back there. The one from the future who saved younger you from the reverse flash and you, you. Remember to wait until future you gets younger you out of there and then you can save your mom." Cisco said

"Piece of cake " Barry said smiles at Cisco.

"Goodbye Dad" He said and hugged Joe and ended the hug.

"Goodbye son." Joe said back to him.

"I hope whatever life you get it's enough for you. That makes you happy" Iris said and kissed him on the forehead.

"Nina, ......" He said

"Don't say it because I would of done the same thing. All I ever wanted is to be with you and I have and now all I want is for you to, be happy. Even if it's not with me. I love you." I said and he smiled at me, kissed me on the cheek.

"Take care of Iris for me, Eddie " He said and Eddie nodded. Barry heads into the accelerator ring and starts running and then he opens a wormhole.

Barry heads into the accelerator ring and starts running and then he opens a wormhole. After Barry went through the wormhole, I couldn't believe it, Barry was already back. I ran into the accelerator ring.

"Nina, no." Caitlin screamed.

"You didn't save her. You could ave the life you always wanted." Wells said.

"I already do." He winked at me and I couldn't help it but to smile.

"Not for much longer" Wells said, Barry and Thawne went head to head.

"Stop!" I screamed in fear.

"Stay out of this, Nina. This isn't involve you." He said getting off of Barry.

"You don't scare me anymore. If you hurt him, I hurt you." I stood my ground.

"What could you do?" He said, when we heard a gunshot being fired, we all saw it was Eddie who shot himself in the heart. Iris rushed to his side, in sadness.

"Eddie no, you're going to be okay." Iris said

"I love you." Eddie said and he was gone before Iris could say I love you too. By Eddie shooting himself, Thawne was vanishing.

"What's happening?" Joe said

"Eddie is his ancestor if he dies. He never is born." Cisco said.

"With his sacrifice, he saved us all." Ronnie stated and everyone nodded in agreement. I looked over to Barry, not able to process that Eddie saved him.

"Barry!" I yelled, rushing over to him.

"I'm okay, thanks to Eddie." Barry sadly smiled.

Once the reverse flash disappeared from existence. We heard some chaos from outside, we all rushed outside to see a storm, a singularity.

"What is it doing?" Caitlin said

"Feeding." Stein said

"What does that mean?" Iris said

"Basically it's a tornado, but upside down and much scarier." Barry said

"How can we stop it?" I said joining the conversation.

"It cannot be stopped" Stein yelled over the chaos.

"I have to try." Barry said

"No, no, no! Are you crazy? You could die. I can't lose you again. No." I said almost losing my voice.

"You won't. I made you a promise and I don't break them. I love you," Barry said. He grabbed my face gently and I held his face in my hands too in tears. We kissed and pulled on his mask, when I saw electricity running in his eyes when he ran towards the upside down tornado.

"Please come back to me, alive." I whispered repeatedly. Firestorm falmed up and parted in the heart of the singularity. When they did, Barry came back down with Ronnie not making it.

"Barry?" I said

"I'm so sorry, Cait." Barry said while giving her a hug.

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