Chapter sixteen: Time Vault

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After Nina headed home, Cisco found a hidden room from the 3-D blue print of the building. Barry, Cisco and Caitlin entered the room and discovered the reverse flash suit. When Barry came upon a newspaper.

"Guys," Barry getting their attention.

"What, the frake?" Cisco said

"The Flash vanishes in crisis" Barry trailed off.

"Barry look at the date." Caitlin said

"April 25 2014." Barry read.

"When I fought the reverse Flash at Christmas, he told me that we would be fighting for centuries." Barry said

"You don't honestly think, this is from the future do you?" Caitlin said

"Dr Well or whoever he is, is from the ..."

"The future" Barry stated.

"This is trippy!" Cisco said

"Not as trippy as the by-line." Caitlin pointed out.

"Iris West-Allen."

"I marry Iris and not Nina." Barry stated, Cisco put a tracker on Dr Wells and was on his way to them. Barry dashed themselves out of there.

The next evening, I was on a stroll near Star Labs when I saw lighting go by me. When I screamed in fear.

"Nina, it's me. Everything is okay." Barry a surred me, while holding me in his arms.

"What's happening?" I said

"Wells has been spying on us since I woke up and he wants to kill you and Iris." Barry said

"That's not settling." I said

"Go home, be safe and forget it! Head to my bedroom and lock the doors until I get there." Barry said and our hands slipped through our fingers.

"Barry!" I whispered and I ran to his room. Once I got there I passed out in a memory.

Barry is hooked up to an IV while I'm by his side at Star Labs.

"Hi Barry, I don't know if you can hear me but here it goes." I exhaled.

"I know you and Iris are more close but I know you were still in the darkness, when I lost both of my parents. You were there in away, nobody could've been because you know how it feels to loose your world. Barry your my friend who sets me straight, if your not around who's going to stop me from doing something stupid. I need my Barry Allen. Please come back to me." I said in tears. When I woke up on Barry's bed, I laid and waited when I stared at a picture of Barry, Iris and myself.

"Iris.." I though. When a memory emerged.

"Nina, we need to talk." Iris said

"What about?" I said flipping through my mail.

"That you're in love with the flash." I laughed.

"I need to know who he is before I.." I trailed off.

"But you do. You always had, that's what you and Barry..."

"You figured it out, just spit it out!" I said

"Barry is the flash" I nodded.

"Does anybody else know you found out?" Iris shook her head.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Iris asked.

"I figured it out when you didn't tell me about you and Eddie.." I trailed off.

"What is it?" Iris said

"Joe told Barry not to tell either of us. That's why he never did!" I said

"What about you." Iris said

"It's not my secret to tell." I stated and Iris nodded in agreement. I spotted a letter from CCPD, I grabbed it and started to open it.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"Of course not! We had a deal." Pulling me into a hug. I opened a letter from the CCPD and I screamed.

"Nina!" Iris said, covering her ears.

I gasped back to reality, to remember Eddie was kidnapped by the reverse Flash and Barry is running around the city looking for him. When I got a knock on Barry's bedroom door.

"Nina, It's Iris opened the door. I need to tell you something." Iris said and I opened the door. When she walked into the room.

"What is it?" I asked taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Eddie told me something what Wells told him, showed while he was taken." Iris said joining me.

"What?" I said

"In the future I write an article about the flash..."

"Because that's a surprise" I cut Iris off.

"And the byline said, Iris West Allen." Iris stated.

"You Marry, Barry!" I said in shock.

"Don't freak out!" Iris said

"How can I not? the universe is against me, it doesn't want me to end up with Barry" I said

"That's not true." Iris stated.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned.

"Just talk to him and you'll get your answers." Iris stated.

"Not all of them."

"What are you talking about?" Iris said

"Someone's following me!" I stated.

"Oh my god!" Iris stated in worry.

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