Chapter Thirteen: Outburst

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A week has gone by and right now, Iris, Eddie and Nina at the bowling and when suddenly Iris sees Barry.
''Hi'' Iris said to Barry.
''Hey, Iris, Eddie, .......Nina'' He said
''What are you guys doing here?" Linda said
''We thought it would be fun. Barry, Nina and I have been bowling here since we were kids." Iris said
''Anyways, thanks for the distraction but I'm going to go.'' Nina said
''Nina.?!" Barry said
''Barry, just don't" Nina said leaving the building.

''What's going between you two.'' Linda said
''Just a misunderstanding...'' Barry said
''Looks more than that to me'' she said
''Yea.'' He said facing the direction Nina left in.

Nina point of view

The next day; I'm walking home when suddenly heard my name being called and when I turn around.
''What do you want, Barry?!'' I said
''To tell me, what's going on and what I did wrong.'' He said
''Fine.'' I said sitting down on a bench.

''Look, I know your mother was murdered but you don't know what's it like. I lost both of parents and they will never going to see me find my Soul mate, get married, have kids with my soul mate and everything parents should see their child do. But Barry I can't handle the heartache, every night I cry myself to sleep because of them......'' I said and then Barry cupped his hands around my neck. Then I stood up and he did the same.

''But the worst part is seeing you and Iris move on with your lives. ..... Iris told me that you told her how you felt about her and now your dating this Linda girl. The point is Iris is in love with Eddie and she's happy and then there is you who met this beautiful, smart, successful woman, who likes you. You and Iris are happy and I'm just the fifth wheel and with baggage. You don't understand Barry, my life is mess and its never going to be fixed. I'm a broken toy.'' I said starting to have tears in my eyes.

''Your not a broken, toy.'' He said still holding me close.
''Just don't your just making this harder then it is. Barry I know your with Linda Park and this is the worst timing ever but I can't lie to you anymore. For the longest time, I've been always and forever in love with the boy next door. I'm in love with you, Barry Allen.'' I said in tears.
''Nina...'' He said
''Don't, I get it you're with Linda and I'm always going to be the friend. I just thought you should know.'' I said about to walking away.
''Nina,...'' He said and took my hand spun me into his arms.
''I love you, Nina.'' He said and I smiled. Then suddenly he came even closer and we kissed passionately. After the kiss, Barry had to go save the city as the flash.

3rd person point of view

Suddenly Barry went back in time, a day. Repeated the day all over again. But before anything bad happened because of Mardon he super speeds to his hideout and arrests him and places him into the Star labs pipeline meta human prison.

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