Chapter Seven: Flash vs Arrow + Nina

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It's been a couple a weeks since I got released from the hospital. After my medical leave was able to return to work. I was all ready to head back to work. While I was waiting on a table I saw Barry walk through the door so I smiled and he smiled back. Not long afterwards Iris asked for my help with order so I followed her. When I realize it was just an excuse to see Felicity, some guy and Barry.

''Felicity Oh My God, I didn't know you were in town?" I said giving her hug.

''Yea. I'm in town for a case." She said

''Nice.'' I nodded.

''Oh and Nina I would like you to meet Oliver Queen.'' She said gesturing over to the older guy sitting in front of her.

''Hello Nina.'' He said

''Hi Oliver, Nice to meet you." I said and then Iris came interrupted us.

''Hey Barry, Nina. Can I talk to you guys for a second.'' I nodded.

''Yea.'' Barry said. We followed her. Suddenly Iris started hitting Barry's arm which just made me laugh.

''You did not tell me you know Oliver Queen.'' She said

''I know Oliver Queen.'' Barry said in a mono tone.

''What's the big deal with this Oliver queen, anyways?" I said questioningly.

''How can you not know who Oliver Queen is?'' She said

''Well because I don't'' I said

''Anyways he's one of the richest people in the state, plus he owns a company that Felicity works at.'' She said

''Oh'' I said

''How can you not know? You and Felicity are friends.'' She said

''We don't talk about that, so...'' I said and then I overheard Barry and Oliver talking that their going to team up.

Look here's the thing I know Barry is the Flash and I know Oliver is the Arrow. Plus like Felicity and Iris knows that I'm in love with Barry even though he doesn't know it at least not yet. While I'm still at my Shift at jitters, Caitlin, Felicity have told me about this metahuman they have; a metahuman which can make people really angry, so he whammies them. Anyways while I'm at work, Barry went ahead and tracked him down but it didn't go as planned because the metahuman kind of did the eyes on him. But the whammy is hitting Barry a bit slower so a bigger explosion. Suddenly, some guy with some Red glasses came in, when he came in a ordered from me, he took them off and I saw that his eyes glowed red. All I felt is pain, angry then it slowly went away. But it was still there. After work, I suddenly bump into someone. I soon realize it was Iris West my BFF.

''I'm sorry, Nina.'' She said

''It's fine.'' I said

''So what's going on with you and Barry?" She said

''Nothing's going on with me and Barry. And nothing it's going to happen to me and Barry, wanna know why Ms. West. Its because he doesn't like me because he's in love with you. '' I said in anger.

''You need to calm down!!!'' She said

''I'm fine maybe your the one who needs to calm down.'' I said

''Look West, it's always been you and will always be you so just stop acting like you care if I get Barry or not because inside I know you're enjoying every minute. So now get out of my face!!" I said in more pissed than ever leaving the building.

Felicity point of view

''Look I just got off the phone with Joe and Iris; it seems like Barry and Nina are acting strangely'' I said

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