Chapter Fifteen: EveryMan

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The next day, I walk through the front door and I see the entire team expect Wells and Iris.

"What's going on here?" I said

"We're investigating Dr Wells." Joe said

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because we think he killed Nora Allen." Cisco stated.

"Right" I nodded, both Cisco and Joe were on their way to Starling city.

"Say hi to Felicity for me" I said and Cisco nodded.

After Cisco and Joe left, I headed to Harrison Wells place to ask my own questions about the murder. After I ran the door bell, I'm waiting for him to answer the door. When suddenly I got sweeped away.

"Are you spying on me now?" I said

"Nina, what were you doing at Dr Wells house?" Barry asked.

"I was going to get my own answers." I said

"You can't." Barry said

"I know, I sad I'm on board but, I can't just stay behind the sidelines and ruin my life, while you solve this case." I said

"What are you talking about, ruin your life?" Barry questioned.

"Those nine months that you were in a coma, were the worst of my life. I was there all those months, talking to you like you never felt. But; eventually Felicity and Iris convinced me to start living my life again. It was the worst of my life." I said

"Nina, if he's the guy we think he is. We can't risk him believing we're onto him. We'll figure everything out when Cisco and Joe come back." Barry said

"I promise. Not that you were going to pull the dad card." I glared at him.

"How did you-?" Barry said

"I know you." I stated.

"Besides you're going to need my help with the meta human case. Caitlin told me." I said and Barry smiled.

The next day, Eddie got arrested for shooting two cops even though it was the meta human not Eddie. Both Caitlin and I walked over to Barry's.

"Hey, it's us." Caitlin said

"Well, hello you two." He said and in the pit of my stomach something was telling me that wasn't Barry.

"Something wrong with you?" I said putting my hand over his forehead.

"Nothing's wrong." He said.

"Everything will work fine, just like you guys planned." I said removing my hand.

"You guys head back to Star Labs and start on the serum, while I take a min. I'll catch up." I said and they both nodded leaving the home.

"If I was a ship-shifter where would I hide Barry" I whispered and I ran upstairs to find Barry in his closet out cold.

"Barry?!" \i kept calling his name and still nothing.

"Sorry in advance." I slapped him across the face and in no time he was up and moving.

"Ow!" He screamed.

"Sorry. It was the only thing to wake you up" I mentioned, Barry glares at me which I shrugged off.

"Nina, he was here." Barry said

"I know. We've better head to Star Labs to stop the shapeshifter fooling Caitlin." Barry nodded. We both entered the lab to find Caitlin kissing Barry 2.0 and Wells tasering him.

"What's going on her?" Barry said

"A lot of things, apparently." Caitlin stated and then Iris started to take him to CCPD when he shifted in a little, escaped. Suddenly we wall heard a pinging sound.

"What's that sound?" I said

"Barry's cellphone just came back online and checked in at the airport." Caitlin said.

"Be careful." I told him in a sympathy tone.

"Always am" He grinned, quickly changing into his suit and dashed to the airport.

3rd person point of view

After Barry arrived at the airport and spotted the meta human, Hannibal bates.

"Hannibal Bates" Barry said

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else." He said disguising himself as Caitlin. While taking out a can of pepper spray. He quickly turns himself into Nina.

"Wait, it's me please don't hurt me." She said and sprayed Barry in the eyes. Barry tossed her along and she shifted into Iris. They went at it, turned into Caitlin again; Barry side kicked him and shifted to Eddie.

"Do you treat all your woman like that? Not very hero like." He said, he was on ground level became the flash while looking at Barry.

"Look at that, I'm the flash." He said

"You might look like me but your not as fast." Barry stopped him and threw him into the pipeline.

"Let me out!" he banged the glass as Iris.

"Hey, cutie. You wanna let me out of here." He smooched as Caitlin.

"Like anyone's gonna fall for that." Caitlin smiled.

"Again?" I smirked.

Nina point of view

"I need to show you something." Barry said grabbing my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll show you." Barry said.

We entered Barry's lab to find Cisco and Joe back from Starling city and Caitlin. While seeing an old skeleton on a table.

"Who's this?" I pointed at the skeleton.

"Meet Harrison Wells." Barry stated.

"If this is Dr Wells who have Cisco and I been working for?" Caitlin asked.

"And who we've been working with?" I asked, Barry shrugged.

"I have no idea." Cisco said

"Whoever he is, he's going down with you by my side, right?" Barry grinned.

"Always!" I said, Barry kissed my forehead.

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