Chapter Two: Mysterious Events

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Weeks has gone by since I got my best friend back. But ever since I did he's been acting strange like he's hiding something from me. I know what you're thinking; I'm jumping to conclusions, but I know my best friend and I can always tell when he's lying. Barry is hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is if it's the last thing I do. 

Today both Iris and I walk into Barry's lab while he was working on a case. Then Iris does outburst of how Barry told her to do Journalism instead of European folklore and that journalism is boring. Then he just stared at us.

"Why are you staring at us like that?" I said

"You two look really nice," He said

"Thanks" I shyly smiled.

"Now why don't you look nice?" Barry looked confused. 

"Suit and tie." Iris mentioned.

"You promised Iris to help her explain the science stuff at Simon Stagg award thing for her article," I said.

"Now I remember," he said.

"How fast can you go home and change?" I suggested.

"Pretty fast actually!" Eddie entered the lab.

''Oh, hi Iris'' Eddie said like he didn't care in the world.

''Hi detective'' Iris said like she was semi interested.

''Just kiss already. I know remember'' Barry said and then Iris and Eddie quickly kiss which makes me put the dots together I can't believe she's dating Eddie and didn't tell me herself and I had to find out by seeing them together. I panned over to see Barry gazing at Iris which tells me he still has feelings for her. Barry quickly dashed home and changed into a suit and tie which made him even hotter than I remember, wait did I just thought that. Anyways we're at Stagg industries where Barry is helping Iris while I'm just here for the support and in case Barry forgets some things in science, since I'm also a nerd.

"I missed this Barry all three of us just hanging out like old times.'' Iris stated. 

''I know it's been a busy couple weeks.'' Barry said

''I thought you were avoiding me of the whole Eddie thing. -" 

''Yea. When were you going to tell me that you and Eddie are thing or was I have to wait until I saw it on the news.'' I cut Iris off. 

''I was going to tell you.'' Iris told me. 

''When?" I said

'' I was just waiting for the right moment .......'' 

''Just like the right moment with Barry?" I pointed out. 

''I'm sorry. Can we get passed this?" I shrugged. 

"Fine, but don't get mad if I do the same.'' 

Mr. Stagg comes by and Iris tries to get a quote but he turns her down so she has to make something up. Then suddenly we heard gunshots coming our way and we saw the robbers coming to towards us. Both Iris and I held onto Barry, we all slide down to the floor. While everyone was having their jewelry and security guard tried to stop them but suddenly Barry was gone so was the robbers.

''Barry?!" I yelled around the room.

''Nina have you seen Barry?" I shook my head. 

''No. I'll look outside and you look around in here.'' We both nodded. I took a look outside where I found a young male on the ground, I walked closer and realized it was Barry. 

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