Chapter Seventeen: Coming Close

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I headed to CCPD to talk to Joe.

"Nina, what are you doing here?" Joe said

"Someone's following me and ..." I trailed off.

"That reminds me, someone is here to see you." Joe said and the guy who's been following me, enters the scene.

"I'm Alex Peterson and I'm a private investigator." He said

"Okay." I said

"I'm sorry to be the one to say this but; you're twin brother Steven Williams. Was found dead in a car this morning, when he was coming to see you. " He said

"I can't believe this." I said

"I'm sorry," He said

"Oh My God" I said

"I'm sorry for your loss." He said leaving the room.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe I had a twin that I never knew about it. He died the same way, my parents did." I said and started crying intensively. Joe gave me a tight hug.

3rd person point of view

Barry entered the room

"What happened?" He said, seeing the sadness across Nina's face.

"I'll tell you later" Joe mouthed to Barry. Nina ended the embrace with Joe and left the CCPD.

"Ni-" Barry called after her.

"I'm gonna go, I just. Need some air. " Nina wiped her tears away, while rushing out of the building.

"What happened?" Barry said

"Nina found out that, she had a twin brother ...."

"What do you mean by had?" Barry said cutting him off.

"He died in a car accident on his way to Central City to meet her." Joe said

"Oh my god." Barry said in shock.

"Yea." Joe whispered.

"I have to talk to her" Barry said

"Just give her some space. You know how she gets when she loses someone." Joe said and he nodded.

Nina point of view

My cell phone started to ring and saw it was Caitlin.

"Hello?" I said picking up the call.

"Nina, I thought you should know. We caught Dr Wells with the help of firestorm and arrow." Caitlin said

"Wait, why didn't anyone call me to help?" I asked

"Barry told us not too since you've been dealing with the news you've received." Caitlin said

"Barry told you?" I asked

"Yeah, he did. If you need anything or someone to talk too, I'm here for you." Caitlin felt sympathy towards me.

"Thanks, Cait." I said.

"Anyways, if you want to be here. Barry would really appericate it. He really needs you right now." Caitlin stated.

"I'll be right over." I said and I rushed over.

I walk into the Star Labs, when Barry was staring at his suit before heading down to Wells in the pipeline.


"Nina? I'm so glad your here, I know you're going through something right now too but..." Barry trailed off.

"But you're more important." I said walking over to him, he threw his arms around me and I squeezed him tightly in the hug.

"Are you ready to face him?" I asked, he shrugged.

"It's okay to be upset or angry with him. He took your family away from you, don't hold back your emotions because of me or your team. Just be you." I said and he gave me another hug.

"How would I do this without you." I shrugged

"Good thing you don't have too." I smiled.

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