Found Family (WooSanLix) [PART 2]

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Thanks to Yunho's constant support and Chan's help, Felix adjusted a lot quicker than San and Wooyoung had hoped for and, after a full year, they finally determined that the freckled boy was ready for school. Now twelve years old, he would soon enter puberty, and they really wanted him to have the chance to develop his social skills.

Felix had met all of San and Wooyoung's close friends, along with the foster children they'd taken in. Chan was most assuredly Felix's older brother figure, but the freckled boy had grown equally attached to Jisung, who was just a day older than him. He also looked up to Changbin a lot, which amused everyone greatly because they had no clue of where this fascination for the older boy came from, but it was endearing to watch.

He got along well with Seungmin and Jeongin, too. With Seungmin also born in December, and with Jeongin being the youngest, Felix grew quite close to the pair. Then there was Minho, the second-oldest of the bunch: he was usually a bit cold with everyone, but he was incredibly soft for Felix, and he was too far gone to even bother with trying to hide it.

And finally... finally, there was Hyunjin.

Hyunjin had a lot of trust issues, and he hadn't been around for much longer than Felix had, meaning he still had a hard time being close and open with the other children of their makeshift group. Even Minho, his foster brother, had a hard time getting close to him. And yet, the moment Felix entered the picture, everything shifted – he began welcoming skinship and initiating conversations, smiling fondly when the freckled boy cuddled up to him or tried to talk with his broken Korean.

All in all, to say all of them became protective of Felix would be an understatement. San and Wooyoung were quite reassured to know their sweet baby would have good people looking out for him once he started school.

Even though they were careful in having Felix share all of his classes with Hyunjin, Jisung, and Seungmin, they were all children, still, and they couldn't protect him from everything. Though Felix's Korean had improved greatly, he still had a noticeable accent, and him being a foreigner in addition to a foster kid (his background was quickly found out since he hung out with the others) definitely made him a target.

There were a few incidents. Some of the meaner children mimicking his accent or mocking him when he got an answer wrong because he didn't understand the question. He was sometimes tripped or shoved in the hallways, just harsh enough to make him stumble and fall, but not obvious enough to prove it wasn't an accident. His locker was broken into twice, and Felix had returned home each time with tears in his eyes and ripped-up books in his bag.

And then there was one time when one of the older kids, who had a beef with Chan, decided to target Felix as a way to get back to the older Australian. The freckled boy had returned home with a black eye, that day, and Wooyoung and San immediately decided to intervene.

(The reason why they hadn't done anything earlier was because they didn't have enough proof that actual bullying was occurring, for one, and also because Felix had asked them not to, insisting it wasn't too bad and that it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

He didn't even try to give that same speech upon returning home battered and bruised, though, well aware that no amount of words would convince his parents – and also because he was at the end of his merciful rope, so to speak.)

Wooyoung and San had been absolutely merciless, gathering enough evidence to have to bully outright kicked out. When the bully's family tried to threatened them by saying they would sue them, they hadn't even batted an eye, replying they would happily drag the bully into court and win the case. The family, realizing their bluff had failed, quickly dropped the subject after that, and they never caused trouble again.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon