"Oh, Saito..." I say, reaching over to give her a hug. I'm not going to lie, I have a few tears in my eyes and don't want her to see the effect her words had on my fragile mental state. She's right. I don't know why I always try to run away, but it's never too late to change, or at least try to change. Maybe I'm the one with daddy issues. "Thank you so much...I think I really needed someone to tell me that. I don't know...I think that sometimes I feel like I just deserve to be alone."

"You absolutely do not deserve to be alone. And you're totally welcome, this is what friends are for. I hope you know that you can talk to me about whatever you're struggling with, I'll always be your hypewoman!"

"You're the best, did you know that?" I say, laughing. "Best wing woman ever."

"I like to think so," She says back to me, flicking her hair sassily. I laugh again, shaking my head. I continue to mix up my paints.

This has given me more to think about, for sure.

The last thing I want to do is hurt Kuroo, obviously, but I just struggle with the commitment. I would be the type of person to say, "it's me, not you," when breaking things off and actually believe that. I really do think I'm the problem here, and in most instances, and it's hard to overcome that. But maybe...maybe I should try. 

I stay contemplative for the rest of day. That is, until chemistry comes around. Kuroo chats with me before class as usual, but doesn't linger or nag me. He's giving me space and I'm thankful like that.

The sensei tells us to get with our partners and work on our projects together. I make my way to Yakimoto, smiling at him. He gives me an equally forced smile. This kid is funny. I try not to watch Kojima prance over to Kuroo's desk. That bitch. Seeing them work together reminds me of her texts to him. Well, he's definitely seen them at this point. What that means, I'm not sure.

"Um...I guess we should start by finding the elements we need," Yakimoto shrugs. His idea is as good as any of mine.

"Sounds good to me. So we have to search for the elements that fit the criteria she gave us, right?"

"I think that's right...Yeah, right here, that's what the instructions say."

We both read over the instructions one more time and then open our textbooks to the periodic table. Yakimoto hums a bit as we search for the elements that will fit in our reactions. Five minutes go by. Then ten minutes.

"Damn, you found anything?" I huff, squinting at the page. I've been searching for the cation and he's been looking for the anion of the reaction.

"Hell no, I have no idea which one of these would work," he groans. "Should we go ask Sensei for a hint? She's gotta know how bad we are at this shit."

I nod purposefully and stand. Truth is, Kuroo's desk is sort of near the sensei's desk. And Kojima seems to be closer to Kuroo every time I look over there. Not gonna let it slide.

I decide to make a casual, totally unplanned, conversation with Kuroo after I've spoken to the sensei. Only, I almost stop dead in my tracks when I hear Kojima start to speak.

"Why didn't you reply to my texts? I can still come right?" She asks him, pouting a little bit, bottom lip stuck out and all. I start to see red. Get this bitch away from my boyfriend.

Kuroo's back is to me as I approach the desk, now I'm not sure which one I want to stop at first.

"Yeah I figured I'd just tell you today. I think we'll be fine if we just work on it here in class. I can do a lot of the work, I've already figured most of it out anyways."

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