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Hi I'm Nina Williams and here's the story of my life and how it turned upside down. Let me, start from the beginning. Growing up I was bullied for the simplest things, but luckily throughout the years I had my best friends Iris and Barry who always had my back. But when I was 18 years old, my parents were having their monthly date night; when suddenly the doorbell rang that signalled me that someone was at the door. When I finally opened the door all I saw was two cops in front of me and in the moment I knew they were gone. I closed that door and bursted into tears and slide down against the front door and kept on crying my eyes out. From that moment it was so hard to move on without them; they were never going to see me graduate college, get my heartbroken, get married. Lucky for me, Barry and Iris made me smile and laugh, which kept my mind off of it. At least until I went to College in Starling City. 

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