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-Eating disorder (body dysmorphia)
-Mentions pedophilia/rape
-Mentions abuse

George's POV

Jason and I had been running for minutes to hours, but we still didn't find the car. I ended up being so tired that I had to sit down and Jason sat down too.

'I'm sorry, George. I wished I could save him.'

'Is it too late? Is he touched or dead by now?'

'I don't know, George. I don't know. I'm sorry.'

I looked at my hands and started scratching my skin. 'It's my fault. I'm sorry for being so dumb to go to the park, I didn't think about the fact he would be waiting for me. I trusted him.'

'You can't trust anyone on that site, George. I know you're on sites which promote anorexia, but anorexia is an illness.'

'I just really wanted to lose something.'

'You've never been fat, you've always been thin.'

'Do I have anorexia?'

'Yes,' my brother said as he hugged me. 'You do, but I'm here to help you.'

'But I'm not that thin.'

'You are really thin and next to that anorexia has nothing to do with weight. It's just a stupid thing they added, but anorexia is in your head. Weight loss is only a sign of it.'

I nodded slowly and rested my head on Jason's shoulder. 'I miss Clay so much. I really hope he's okay.'

Jason just nodded, but didn't answer me. I grabbed my phone to look at his profile picture to remember him.

Just as I wanted to click his profile picture I suddenly got a message from Clay. He was sharing his location with just one word.


I immediately showed my brother my screen and he stood up.

'That kidnapper appears to be pretty dumb. I understand if you're tired, but we have to run.'

I nodded and had so much adrenaline in my body that I stood up and started running to the location Clay sent me. We didn't stop running until we reached the house Clay seemed to be at and my brother immediately kicked in the door.

He started running inside of the house and looked around him, not seeing anything downstairs. I just followed him and he ran to the stairs as soon as he found the right door.

Jason stormed up the stairs and opened the first door he saw, seeing at least five boys in a room, all tied up.

'George!' Clay yelled out. His face was covered in blood and he had bruises on his cheeks.

'Where is he?' Jason asked.

One of the boys pointed at a room with shaky hands and another one had a smile on his face. 'Are you saving us?'

'Yes,' Jason said as he ran to the other room.

It didn't take long before I heard loud screams and a different boy ran into the room with tears running down his face. He was only wearing his boxers and I took off my hoodie, handing it to him.


I heard a hitting sound, someone fell down on the ground and I heard constant sounds of someone hitting the other person.

I sat next to Clay and pulled him against my body. He didn't say anything but stared in front of him. His hands lifted up and he pointed at a phone which was completely smashed. I grabbed it and held it up.

'That's yours, isn't it?'

He nodded and rested his arms on my stomach. 'I call the police,' he whispered, resting his head on my chest.

'Clay, what did he do to you?'

'He only hit me. He raped them all, George. There are also girls in this house somewhere.'

'I'm so sorry, Clay. It's my fault you're here, I'm so sorry. I hope you still love me.'

'I do,' Clay whispered as he closed his eyes. 'Can you take me home? I want to be gone here as fast as possible.'

'We have to wait for the police, but I'll try to untie your hands and feet.'

I looked around me to find the smallest scissors in the back of the room and I started slowly cutting the ropes. It took a decently long while before I only had Clay's hands be untied, but I didn't care. I wanted to free them all.

Once my brother had beaten the guy almost to death, he came into the room.

'Where are the girls?'

'Back of the house,' one boy whispered.

Jason smiled at him. 'Don't be scared. That predator isn't waking up for the next few minutes and the police are on their way.'

He ran off to the girls' room and I continued cutting the ropes until the door opened and the police seemed to have arrived.

They ran upstairs and since there were a lot of them, one went to the predator, others to the girls and another two came here. They cut the ropes and gave all the boys a blanket, taking them outside of the house.

They called all their parents, family members or friends to pick them up after they went to the police station to declare against the man.

Clay stopped talking and had just been staring. All he did say was that he wanted to go home with me straight away and the police just left him alone for a little.

Clay and I ended up going home and he walked up the stairs while holding my hand. He still didn't talk but cuddled up with me as he held me really tightly.

'I'm so sorry, Clay. I hope you can forgive me for being so dumb. I got you in so much trouble and I hope you will still love me.'

He hugged me even tighter and closed his eyes.

'I love you,' I muttered with tears in my eyes, kissing his cheek.

He pouted out of sadness when I kissed his cheek and mumbled softly.

'I'm sorry, did that hurt?'

He nodded and I ran my hand through his hair. 'I'm sorry. Do you want a kiss somewhere else?'

Clay nodded again and pointed at his nose with a cute smile. I kissed his nose and he curled himself up, falling asleep a few minutes after.

1040 words

Clay and all the other boys and girls get saved by Jason and Gogster

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