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George's POV

Clay and I laid next to each other on my bed and Clay was running his fingers over my chest, smiling at me when he looked up sometimes.

'You're so gorgeous,' he whispered as he pressed soft kisses on my chest. I smiled and let him kiss my chest, looking down at him.

'You're cute,' I muttered.

Clay giggled and held up his arms, acting like he had a lot of muscles. 'I'm not cute, I'm really manly and muscular.'

I laughed and pushed him softly. 'Sure. If gaming gives you a lot of muscles then you would be the strongest man alive at this point.'

Clay wheezed and pulled me closer to him. 'I really loved that kiss so much. I felt so many emotions I never felt before.'

I smiled and kissed him softly as he smirked. 'I'm not letting you go this easily. No one will see your chest.'

I giggled and Clay started sucking on my skin, gently and sweet. It still caused me a lot of bruises and he looked at me with a grin. 'Amazing.'

'You're so dumb. What if my dad suddenly wants me to swim, huh?'

'Make up your stupid "being sick" excuse.'

I giggled and rolled closer to him. My face was hanging in front of his and he smiled at me, pulling me closer. Before we even knew it, our lips connected and we continued where we ended last time.

He found his way into my mouth again, holding his hands close to my trousers as he slowly ran them up to my shoulders.

My heart started beating faster and faster and my lower stomach started feeling weird. We kept kissing, but as soon as I realised what was going on, I rolled away from him as I curled myself up so he wouldn't pay attention to my trousers.

'What's wrong?' Clay asked concernedly. 'Did I hurt you or go too fast?'

He rolled me back, but I was really ashamed and stared at my hands with tears in my eyes.

'Oh no, what's wrong? Did I go too far?' Clay asked me.

'It's not you, I'm just ashamed of myself. I didn't really want you to notice.'

'Notice what?'

'I uh- I got an uh-,' I said with a sigh, just pointing down.

Clay giggled and rolled me back on top of him. 'Idiot, I thought I did something wrong.'

'I'm embarrassed.'

'Well, guess I should be embarrassed too then,' he giggled. 'Come on, do you think I don't have that after everything that happened here?'

'Are you not mad at me?'

'Mad?' Clay giggled. 'So I have to be mad at myself too?'

I smiled shyly and Clay pressed his lips back on mine. We continued the kiss for a pretty long while as I was just softly touching his body while he touched mine.

I was exhausted after a while and we broke the kiss, both panting slightly. Clay was still running his fingers over my chest and giggled.

'George, I'm in so much trouble with those bruises of yours.'

I rolled my eyes. 'You gave me way more, idiot.'

No more lime here.

'I expected this meet up to go fairly different than this,' Clay giggled, pressing a short kiss on my chest.

'Same,' I muttered with a smile.

Clay pulled me closer to him and he kissed my cheek. 'Are you tired?'

I nodded and closed my eyes, but sat up immediately after. 'I can't sleep, my dad and brother can be home any second.'

'Do I need to leave?'

'I think so,' I muttered with a sad face. 'I'm sorry. I just really loved you being here, but once I tell my dad I'm not sick anymore, you can stay for longer.'

Clay nodded. 'I understand.' He sat up and looked at my phone screen lighting up.

He stared at the screen for a little and then confusedly looked up. 'George? What's that message? Why are you actually lying about being sick?'

I glanced at my screen, seeing the message.

Still starving?

'Uh-,' I muttered.

'Are you starving?' Clay asked. He sounded very concerned suddenly. 'You think you're fat and you're starving? Do you have an eating disorder?'

I shook my head. 'I don't think I do and that's not the reason I say I'm sick. Something happened at school and I'd rather not talk about it.'

Clay nodded. 'Do you want to tell me someday? You don't have to of course, but I want you to know that you can talk to me.'

'Maybe someday,' I whispered. 'I'm really ashamed and hurt about it. That's why I'm not going to school. I get bullied way too much already.'

Clay kissed my cheek and smiled. 'I would never bully you. I will leave now, though.'

I nodded and pulled on my shirt just as Clay did. The hickeys were still pretty visible and Clay giggled.

'Oh, shut up,' I said as I pointed at his neck.

He giggled and we walked downstairs. I was about to walk to the front door as my heart skipped a beat and my brother sat on the couch.

'Uh-,' I muttered as he looked up at us.

Jason just smiled and stood up to shake Clay's hand. Clay didn't know what to do and slowly shook his hand. 'Hi.'

'I'm Jason,' my brother said. 'I'm George's brother! Are you Clay? I may hope you are.'

'I am, yes,' Clay muttered awkwardly. He was hiding his hand and cast deep within his sleeves, pulling his hood over his head to hide the bruises on his neck, but I knew my brother probably saw it already.

Clay ended up leaving quickly and my brother smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and he laughed loudly.

'So you're not going to tell me what happened here?'

'Nothing, we just chilled.'

'Oh yes, that's why you have bruises on in your neck. I wanted to say hi to you and walked in on a heated make out session so I just left again.'

My face flushed red. 'Please, don't tell dad.'

'I won't, I promise,' my brother said as he giggled. 'You're going to need good make up for those bruises, though. It looks like you had an amazing time.'

'I'm going to my room,' I said with the most embarrassed look on my face ever.

1064 words

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