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-Mentions pills/eating disorder

George's POV

The next morning I decided to skip school again and I had been texting with my coach for a little. He seemed proud that I lost weight, but wanted to help me lose weight even faster.

He told me that he had pills to lose fat with and told me to get them. When I said I didn't want to meet up with him, he told me the location he was laying the pills at so I could take them without him being around me.

I went downstairs since I was going to get the pills and saw my brother sit on the couch.

'Why are you still here?' I asked him.

He looked up and smiled shortly. 'Taking a day off,' he answered as he looked back at his phone, clicking something to turn it off after. 'Why aren't you at school?'

'Don't feel like it,' I muttered. 'I won't pass anyway.'

'Your grades used to be so good.'

'Yeah and then I got sick.'

'George, I know you haven't been sick. I haven't told dad, but I know that if you can meet up with boys, you can also go to school.'

'I was feeling better that day. Anyway, I'm going for a walk.'

'A walk? Now?'

'Yeah,' I mumbled. 'Now. Why are you acting so weird? What did Sapnap say to you?'

'We talked about whatever and got some fries.'

'Thanks for excluding me.'

'Gogy, you wouldn't have eaten the fries anyway. I know that you're starving yourself and I don't want to force you into eating, even though it's getting dangerous.'

'I'm not starving, I'm just not hungry. I'm going.'

'George,' Jason muttered.


'I love you,' he suddenly said as he stared at his hands. 'You're my brother and whatever you did, are going to do or happened, I love you.'

I turned quiet for a little. Did he know anything?

'I love you too,' I whispered as I walked to the door. 'I'm going now.'

My brother nodded and looked at his phone which wasn't on. I frowned and walked to the door to go to the park as fast as possible. I would just get the pills and then go home again.

I just really wanted to get thinner and this was one of the only ways it would even go faster. I started running to the park and looked around me, but everything suddenly went really fast.

I saw a man and a boy who looked awfully similar to Clay. The boy was just sitting on the bench and suddenly his shoulders got grabbed and he got pulled back.

'Hi, let's go for a ride.'

I frowned and knelt down at the place my pills were supposed to be. Just as I was looking, I heard a loud scream and then a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around with my heart beating really fast. What was going on? Who screamed and who was standing behind me?

I had my eyes closed because of the nerves and slowly opened them, looking in the eyes of Jason. His eyes were filled with tears, but he lifted me up while grabbing his phone.

I didn't know what was going on, but he grabbed my hand while running really quickly to a car standing next to the road.

'Picture, now!' he yelled at me.

I was confused, but grabbed my phone and took a picture of the car.

'Police, right now!' Jason yelled on the phone. 'I'm at the park and there's a boy getting kidnapped by a predator. The boy got taken with him in a black car with this number plate.'

Jason called out the number plate and I looked at the car speeding away.

'He's going south from the park, turning to the left. I'm running after it.'

He started running and held my hand tightly so I had to run with him. Jason kept calling out street names, but after a while we couldn't keep up anymore.

'We lost him,' Jason muttered. 'I'm sorry.'

He listened for a bit and then hung up, sitting down on the side of the street with a defeated face.

'What's going on?' I whispered.

'Sapnap told me everything, George. Don't get mad at him, please. He did the right thing.'

I silently stared in front of me and my brother made me sit down and hugged me.

'I'm so sorry that that happened to you, George. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at that idiot who asked you to do such a thing and the absolute assholes who spread the pictures.'

I didn't answer and just stared in front of me.

'George, Clay was in the park just to chill, I think. I know you were getting pills and I went after you, because I don't think you realise that man you've been talking to is actually a pedophile. He was waiting for you to come, but mistook you for Clay.'

'What happened to Clay?' I muttered.

'I think he kidnapped Clay, thinking it was you.'

'So it's my fault? What's he going to do to Clay?'

'I don't know, but let's just walk again to look for his car. It's not your fault, you got manipulated.'

I nodded slowly, crazy enough I didn't feel anything but shock. I walked with my brother who ended up running as he held my hand.

I wasn't focusing on running at all. I didn't even process what was happening in the slightest.

'Is Clay going to die?' I muttered, panting loudly.

'The police are looking for him. I just hope that predator stays with his fingers off Clay. Keep running, there's not many ways he could have gone. We might be able to find him.'

I nodded and kept running even though it felt like I was going to throw up and pass out. I was panting so loudly that I seemed to hyperventilate, but I wanted to find Clay.

If Clay got touched because of me I would never forgive myself. I still didn't realise what was happening. I just wanted to lose weight, but seemed to have messed up everything.

1027 words

Clay is at the park to chill. George goes to get his "pills". Pedophile mistakes George for Clay, kidnaps Clay.

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