Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s pov.

Mineta was being a pervert, which, yeah, is a typical occurrence, and the day was progressively going from 0 to 100 very quickly. Bakugo has attempted to harm him anywhere from a dozen to a million times for flirting with me. Which, may I add, was a complete nightmare to behold.

Dropping out of my mental process, I return my attention to the current topic. Something was going on, and I was completely unaware of it. I then heard one of my five best friends' names mentioned in the conversation, which piqued my interest and caused me to sit up. "What about them?". I inquire, perplexed. Mina, along with a few others, turned to face me. "Were you not paying attention?" Mina inquired, a little perplexed. "It's been an earful today," I said, looking at Mineta then back to Mina, "sorry, I was pondering on what's been going on today." She understood what I meant and brought me into the conversation.

"We were talking about throwing a 'Welcome Home' party for them when their sentence is completed and they return," I smiled, loving the idea. "That sounds like a great idea; I'm not a big party person, but I'll definitely go to that one!" "Good, now all we have to do is plan on it!" Mina exclaimed. She paused for a moment, thinking, "When do they get released?" she wondered. "What is today?" I wondered for a moment, trying to recall the date. Even though it felt like it had only been two days, it had already been two months since they were thrown in the slammer.

Bakugo's Pov.

If the perverter grape headed ass makes another comment to (Y/n) about how curvy her hips are, I'm going to kill him where he stands. "That sounds like a great idea, I'm not to big on parties but I'll definitely attend that one!" her voice pierced through my thought's making me look up. Confused I looked up "when do they get released?" Mina had inquired. "What is today?" (Y/n) quizzed making me look at her confused, "What do you mean 'What is today'?" I questioned her having her give me a confused look.

"It's almost fall now" I commented making her tilt her head to the side looking at her phone her eye's widening just slightly "I completely forgot!" she said shocked then her shocked/ surprised gaze turned into one of happy and excited "they get out next week on Tuesday!" happy she ran and jumped into my arms making me chuckle.

"Oh my god, we still need to go out and get decorations, set up their rooms we want them to have rooms and no longer sleeping in the common area!, we also need to get them room supplies, we have to hurry!" she said as she pulled away slightly from the hug, her voice raised so everyone could hear her. "Princess calm down, I already have the rooms on your floor to be exact your floor had enough room to make more rooms thankfully, we still need to get them stuff for their room which I will need your help on, you know them better than anyone so you'll help make their rooms comfortable for them." Mr. Aizawa spoke up making her sigh in relief knowing the news of the rooms already built and ready "my question is..., how didn't you notice the rooms sooner?" I questioned holding her in my arms wondering why she didn't notice. she looked up as if in deep thought "I.." she paused briefly "I don't know, I guess I just wasn't paying enough attention?" she looked to the side as if she knew the answer but didn't want to admit it out loud to everyone in the room.

Looking towards her I smile "ok, I guess it happens sometimes" I pulled her into a hug and she returned it "thank you" she said softly only loud enough for me to hear, "of course, but tonight I'm coming to your dorm and we are discussing this" she sighed softly and nod her head accepting that I was going to figure out why she had been so distant lately one way or another.

Since it was the weekend we all headed out to the mall everyone heading with Mina to get decorations while Deku, Todoroki, (Y/n), Mr. Aizawa, and me, went to go find things for their rooms. Of course (Y/n) wanted to keep things simple and get their necessities first beds, bed side tables, computer desks, then made sure to grab their favorite bathroom necessities, and anything else she thought they may need for their room.

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